Source code for yawning_titan.networks.node

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, Optional
from uuid import uuid4

[docs]class Node: """A Node for building networks with"""
[docs] def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, high_value_node: bool = False, entry_node: bool = False, vulnerability: float = 0.01, ): """ The Node constructor. :param name: An optional name for the Node. :param high_value_node: Whether the Node is a high value node. Default value of False. :param entry_node: Whether the Node is an entry node. Default value of False. :param vulnerability: The vulnerability score of the Node. Has a default value of 0.1. """ self._uuid: str = str(uuid4()) str = name self._high_value_node: bool = high_value_node self._entry_node: bool = entry_node self._vulnerability = vulnerability # Default node attributes self._x_pos: float = 0.0 self._y_pos: float = 0.0 self.vulnerability_score = vulnerability self.true_compromised_status = 0 self.blue_view_compromised_status = 0 self.deceptive_node = False self.blue_knows_intrusion = False self.isolated = False
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_db( cls, uuid: str, high_value_node: bool, entry_node: bool, vulnerability: float, x_pos: float, y_pos: float, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Node: """ Used to create an instance of Node from the NetworkDB. :param uuid: the UUID given to a Node when it was first created. :param high_value_node: Whether the Node is a high value node. :param entry_node: Whether the Node is an entry node. :param vulnerability: The vulnerability score of the Node. :param x_pos: The x-position when displayed on a network graph. :param y_pos: The y-position when displayed on a network graph. :param name: An optional name for the Node. :return: The instance of Node. """ node = Node( name=name, high_value_node=high_value_node, entry_node=entry_node, vulnerability=vulnerability, ) node._uuid = uuid node.x_pos = x_pos node.y_pos = y_pos return node
[docs] def reset_vulnerability(self): """Resets the nodes current `vulnerability_score` to the original `vulnerability`.""" self.vulnerability_score = self.vulnerability
@property def node_position(self) -> List[float]: """The nodes position as a list [x,y].""" return [self.x_pos, self.y_pos] @node_position.setter def node_position(self, pos: List[float]): self.x_pos = pos[0] self.y_pos = pos[1] @property def vulnerability(self) -> float: """The nodes initial vulnerability.""" return self._vulnerability @vulnerability.setter def vulnerability(self, x): self._vulnerability = x self.vulnerability_score = x @property def uuid(self) -> str: """The node UUID.""" return self._uuid @property def high_value_node(self) -> bool: """True if the Node is high value, otherwise False.""" return self._high_value_node @high_value_node.setter def high_value_node(self, high_value_node: bool): self._high_value_node = high_value_node @property def entry_node(self) -> bool: """True if the Node is an entry node, otherwise False.""" return self._entry_node @entry_node.setter def entry_node(self, entry_node: bool): self._entry_node = entry_node @property def x_pos(self) -> float: """The x-position of the node.""" return self._x_pos @x_pos.setter def x_pos(self, x_pos: float): self._x_pos = x_pos @property def y_pos(self) -> float: """The y-position of the node.""" return self._y_pos @y_pos.setter def y_pos(self, y_pos: float): self._y_pos = y_pos
[docs] def to_dict(self): """The Node as a dict.""" return { "uuid": self._uuid, "name":, "high_value_node": self._high_value_node, "entry_node": self._entry_node, "vulnerability": self.vulnerability, "x_pos": self._x_pos, "y_pos": self._y_pos, }
def __str__(self) -> str: if return return self.uuid def __repr__(self): node_str = f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"uuid='{self._uuid}', " if node_str += f"name='{}', " node_str += ( f"high_value_node={self._high_value_node}, " f"entry_node={self._entry_node}, " f"vulnerability={self.vulnerability}, " f"x_pos={self._x_pos}, " f"y_pos={self._y_pos}" f")" ) return node_str def __hash__(self): return hash((self._uuid)) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return hash(self) == hash(other) return False def __lt__(self, other: Node): if isinstance(other, Node): return self.uuid < other.uuid return self.uuid < other