


Test to Stable Baselines 3 Environment checker compliance once wrapped.


Test that each component of the observation space in the environment has the correct length and value range.


Test that the observation size returned by the environment is the correct length.


Test that the environment get correctly wrapped with the Feather Observation Wrapper.

tests.integration_tests.generic_env.test_graph_embedding_observations.test_wrapped_env(game_mode_name, network_name, n_nodes, create_yawning_titan_run)[source]#

Test that the environment get correctly wrapped with the Feather Observation Wrapper.

tests.integration_tests.generic_env.test_graph_embedding_observations.test_obs_size(game_mode_name, network_name, n_nodes, create_yawning_titan_run)[source]#

Test that the observation size returned by the environment is the correct length.

tests.integration_tests.generic_env.test_graph_embedding_observations.test_obs_range(game_mode_name, network_name, n_nodes, num_nodes_check, create_yawning_titan_run)[source]#

Test that each component of the observation space in the environment has the correct length and value range.

Observation Space is made up of:
  • 500 value graph embedding

  • other features from the env based on input from the settings file


Test to Stable Baselines 3 Environment checker compliance once wrapped.