
class yawning_titan.yawning_titan_run.YawningTitanRun(network=None, game_mode=None, red_agent_class=<class 'yawning_titan.envs.generic.core.red_interface.RedInterface'>, blue_agent_class=<class 'yawning_titan.envs.generic.core.blue_interface.BlueInterface'>, print_metrics=False, show_metrics_every=1, collect_additional_per_ts_data=False, eval_freq=10000, total_timesteps=200000, training_runs=1, n_eval_episodes=1, deterministic=False, warn=True, render=False, verbose=1, logger=None, output_dir=None, auto=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: object

The YawningTitanRun class is the run class for training YT agents from a given set of parameters.

The YawningTitanRun class can be used ‘straight out of the box’, as all params have default values.

yt_run = YawningTitanRun()

The YawningTitanRun class can also be used manually by setting auto=False.

yt_run = YawningTitanRun(auto=False)

Trained agents can be saved by calling .save(). If no path is provided, a path is generated using the AGENTS_DIR, today’s date, and the uuid of the instance of YawningTitanRun.

yt_run = YawningTitanRun()


  • Build a reporting functionality that captures all logs and eval and generates a PDF report.

  • Add multiple training runs functionality for the same agent.

  • Add the ability to load a saved agent and continue training it.

The YawningTitanRun constructor.

# TODO: Add proper Sphinx mapping for classes/methods.

  • network – An instance of Network.

  • game_mode – An instance of GameMode.

  • red_agent_class – The agent/action set class used for the red agent.

  • blue_agent_class – The agent/action set class used for the blue agent.

  • print_metrics – Print the metrics if True. Default value = True.

  • show_metrics_every – Prints the metrics every show_metrics_every time steps. Default value = 10.

  • collect_additional_per_ts_data – Collects additional per-timestep data if True.Default value = False.

  • eval_freq – Evaluate the agent every eval_freq call of the callback. Default value = 10,000.

  • total_timesteps – The number of samples (env steps) to train on. Default value = 200000.

  • training_runs – The number of times the agent is trained.

  • n_eval_episodes – The number of episodes to evaluate the agent. Default value = 1.

  • deterministic – Whether the evaluation should use stochastic or deterministic actions. Default value = False.

  • warn – Output additional warnings mainly related to the interaction with stable_baselines if True. Default value = True.

  • render – Renders the environment during evaluation if True. Default value = False.

  • verbose – Verbosity level: 0 for no output, 1 for info messages (such as device or wrappers used), 2 for debug messages. Default value = 1.

  • logger – An optional custom logger to override the use of the default module logger.

  • output_dir – An optional output path for eval output and saved agent zip file. If none is provided, a path is generated using the yawning_titan.AGENTS_DIR, today’s date, and the uuid of the instance of YawningTitanRun.

  • auto – If True, setup(), train(), and evaluate() are called automatically.



Evaluates the trained agent.


Export the YawningTitanRun as a zip.


Import and return an exported YawningTitanRun.


Load and return a saved YawningTitanRun.


Saves the trained agent using the stable_baselines3 save as zip functionality.


Performs a setup of the NetworkInterface, GenericNetworkEnv, PPO algorithm.


Trains the agent.

setup(new=True, ppo_zip_path=None)[source]#

Performs a setup of the NetworkInterface, GenericNetworkEnv, PPO algorithm.

The setup needs to be performed before training can occur.

  • new – If True, a new instance of PPO is generated. If False, a ppo_zip_path must be passed tooo.

  • ppo_zip_path – Optional path to a saved ppo.zip file. Required if new = False.


AttributeError – When new=False and ppo_zip_path hasn’t been provided.


Trains the agent.


The trained instance of stable_baselines3.ppo.ppo.PPO.


Evaluates the trained agent.


Mean reward per episode, std of reward per episode.


Saves the trained agent using the stable_baselines3 save as zip functionality.

The instance of PPO is saved to ppo.zip.

The YawningTitanRun args are saved to args.json.

The YawningTitanRun.uuid is saved to UUID.


The path the agent has been saved to.


Export the YawningTitanRun as a zip.

The contents of output_dir is archived to the agents_dir exported dir.

Included is an INVENTORY file that contains all files and their sizes. This is used for file verification when an exported YawningTitanRun is imported.


The exported filepath as a str.

classmethod load(path)[source]#

Load and return a saved YawningTitanRun.

YawningTitanRun’s that have auto=True will not be automatically ran on load.


path – A saved YawningTitanRun path.


An instance of YawningTitanRun.

classmethod import_from_export(exported_zip_file_path, overwrite_existing=False)[source]#

Import and return an exported YawningTitanRun.

YawningTitanRun’s that have auto=True will not be automatically ran on import.

  • exported_zip_file_path – The path of an exported YawningTitanRun.

  • overwrite_existing – If True, if the uuid of the imported agent already exists in the trainer agents dir it is overwritten.


The imported instance of YawningTitanRun.


YawningTitanRunError – When the INVENTORY file fails its verification.