Create a Network#
Gettting started#
To get started, Navigate to the network manager (node tree icon) page from the sidebar or main menu

Copying a network#
Existing networks can be copied by clicking the clipboard icon of the network that should be copied and entering a name for the resultant network in the popup prompt.
Creating a new network#
Networks are created from the network manager page. Networks can either be created from a template or from scratch using the cytoscape network editor. To create a network click the New network button and follow the popup prompt.
Deleting a network#
Networks can be deleted singularly or on mass. To delete a single network click on the trash bin icon. To delete multiple networks select multiple networks then with each of these networks show as selected click the Delete all button on the bottom right of the window and respond to the prompt.
Template networks are created by choosing a named layout representing a certain network topology and a series of configurable parameters dependent on that topology.
Launch the Template network creator by clicking the Template network button on the Network management page.
Node editor#
Networks can be created from scratch in the network editor by manually adding nodes and edges. Launch the Node editor by clicking the Custom network button on the Network management page.
Saving changes#
By default when the network is updated the changes will automatically be saved to the network in the database.
Node Instantiation#
To add an node you must double click a the point you wish for the node to spawn.
Adding Edges Between Nodes#
To add an edge you must click on a node then subsequently click on a different node to join the two with an edge.
Setting Entry Nodes#
By selecting a node the attributes menu will open to the right of the window; here the entry node status of the node can be toggled
Entry nodes can be set randomly by opening the Network randomisation menu and toggling on set random entry nodes. From here the location preference of the random entry nodes can also be selected
Setting High Value Nodes#
By selecting a node the attributes menu will open to the right of the window; here the high value node status of the node can be toggled
High value nodes can be set randomly by opening the Network randomisation menu and toggling on set random high value nodes. From here the location preference of the random entry nodes can also be selected
Setting Node Vulnerability#
By selecting a node the attributes menu will open to the right of the window; here vulnerability of the node can be set using a slider
Vulnerability can be set randomly by opening the Network randomisation menu and toggling on set random vulnerability. From here the range of random values that the node vulnerability can take must be set