Source code for yawning_titan.networks.network_db

"""Provides an API for the ``network.json`` TinyDB file, and a Schema class that defines the network DB fields."""
from __future__ import annotations

import os
from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Final, List, Optional, Union

from tinydb import TinyDB
from tinydb.queries import QueryInstance

from yawning_titan.db.doc_metadata import DocMetadataSchema
from yawning_titan.db.query import YawningTitanQuery
from yawning_titan.db.yawning_titan_db import YawningTitanDB, YawningTitanDBSchema
from import Network

__all__ = ["NetworkDB", "NetworkSchema", "default_18_node_network"]

_LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NetworkQuery(YawningTitanQuery): def __int__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] @staticmethod def num_of_nodes(n: int) -> YawningTitanQuery: """Returns all Networks with n number of nodes. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB, NetworkQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>> networks = :param n: The target number of nodes in a Network. :return: A list of Networks. """ return YawningTitanQuery()["nodes"].len_eq(n)
[docs] @staticmethod def num_of_nodes_between(min: int, max: int) -> YawningTitanQuery: """Returns all Networks with between `min` and `max` number of nodes. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB, NetworkQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>> networks = :param min: The minimum number of nodes in a Network. :param max: The maximum number of nodes in a Network. :return: A list of Networks. """ return YawningTitanQuery()["nodes"].len_bt(min, max)
def _num_nodes_of_type(self, n, type): """Helper function for num_of_entry_nodes.""" def test_len(val, i): try: nodes = [n for n in val.values() if val[type]] return len(nodes) == i except TypeError: return False return self.test(test_len, n) def _num_nodes_of_type_between(self, min, max, type): """Helper function for num_of_entry_nodes.""" def test_len(val, min, max, type): try: nodes = [n for n in val.values() if n[type]] return min <= len(nodes) <= max except TypeError: return False return self.test(test_len, min, max, type)
[docs] @staticmethod def num_of_entry_nodes(n: int) -> YawningTitanQuery: """ Returns all Networks with n number of entry nodes. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB, NetworkQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>> networks = :param n: The target number of entry nodes. :return: A List of Nodes. """ return NetworkQuery().nodes._num_nodes_of_type(n, "entry_node")
[docs] @staticmethod def num_of_entry_nodes_between(min: int, max: int) -> YawningTitanQuery: """ Returns all Networks with between `min` and `max` number of entry nodes. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB, NetworkQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>> networks =,6)) :param n: The target number of entry nodes. :return: A List of Nodes. """ return NetworkQuery().nodes._num_nodes_of_type_between(min, max, "entry_node")
[docs] @staticmethod def num_of_high_value_nodes(n: int) -> YawningTitanQuery: """ Returns all Networks with n number of high_value nodes. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB, NetworkQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>> networks = :param min: The minimum number of high_value nodes. :param max: The maximum number of high_value nodes. :return: A List of Nodes. """ return NetworkQuery().nodes._num_nodes_of_type(n, "high_value_node")
[docs] @staticmethod def num_of_high_value_nodes_between(min: int, max: int) -> YawningTitanQuery: """ Returns all Networks with between `min` and `max` number of high value nodes. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB, NetworkQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>> networks =,6)) :param min: The minimum number of high_value nodes. :param max: The minimum number of high_value nodes. :return: A List of Nodes. """ return NetworkQuery().nodes._num_nodes_of_type_between( min, max, "high_value_node" )
[docs]class NetworkSchema(YawningTitanDBSchema): """ A schema-like class that defines the network DB fields. Fields are defined using the :class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery` class so that schema paths can be used directly within :func:`` function calls. All fields are mapped to a property in the :class:`` class. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB, NetworkSchema >>> db = NetworkDB() >>> network_configs = == True) """ SET_RANDOM_ENTRY_NODES: Final[ YawningTitanQuery ] = YawningTitanQuery().set_random_entry_nodes RANDOM_ENTRY_NODE_PREFERENCE: Final[ YawningTitanQuery ] = YawningTitanQuery().random_entry_node_preference NUM_OF_RANDOM_ENTRY_NODES: Final[ YawningTitanQuery ] = YawningTitanQuery().num_of_random_entry_nodes SET_RANDOM_HIGH_VALUE_NODES: Final[ YawningTitanQuery ] = YawningTitanQuery().set_random_high_value_nodes RANDOM_HIGH_VALUE_NODE_PREFERENCE: Final[ YawningTitanQuery ] = YawningTitanQuery().random_high_value_node_preference NUM_OF_RANDOM_HIGH_VALUE_NODES: Final[ YawningTitanQuery ] = YawningTitanQuery().num_of_random_high_value_nodes SET_RANDOM_VULNERABILITIES: Final[ YawningTitanQuery ] = YawningTitanQuery().set_random_vulnerabilities NODE_VULNERABILITY_LOWER_BOUND: Final[ YawningTitanQuery ] = YawningTitanQuery().node_vulnerability_lower_bound NODE_VULNERABILITY_UPPER_BOUND: Final[ YawningTitanQuery ] = YawningTitanQuery().node_vulnerability_upper_bound
[docs]class NetworkDB: """ The :class:`~yawning_titan.db.networks.NetworkDB` class extends :class:`~yawning_titan.db.YawningTitanDB`. The below code blocks demonstrate how to use the :class:`~yawning_titan.db.networks.NetworkDB` class. - Instantiate the Network DB: .. code:: python >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB, NetworkSchema >>> db = NetworkDB() - Search for all network that have set_random_entry_nodes == True. .. code:: python >>> == True) """
[docs] def __init__(self): self._db = YawningTitanDB("networks")
def __enter__(self) -> NetworkDB: return NetworkDB() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._db.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
[docs] def insert( self, network: Network, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, author: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Network: """ Insert a :class:`` into the DB as ``.json``. :param network: An instance of :class:`` :class:`~yawning_titan.db._doc_metadata.DocMetadata`. :class:`~yawning_titan.db._doc_metadata.DocMetadata`. :class:`~yawning_titan.db._doc_metadata.DocMetadata`. :param name: The config name. :param description: The config description. :param author: The config author. :return: The inserted :class:``. """ network.doc_metadata.update(name, description, author) self._db.insert(network.to_dict(json_serializable=True)) return network
[docs] def all(self) -> List[Network]: """ Get all :class:`` from the network DB. :return: A :class:`list` of :class:``. """ return [Network.create(doc) for doc in self._db.all()]
[docs] def show(self, verbose=False): """ Show details of all entries in the db. :param verbose: If True, all doc metadata details are shown, otherwise just the name is shown. """
[docs] def get(self, uuid: str) -> Union[Network, None]: """ Get a network config document from its uuid. :param uuid: A target document uuid. :return: The network config document as an instance of :class:`` if the uuid exists, otherwise :py:class:`None`. """ # self._db.db.clear_cache() doc = self._db.get(uuid) if doc: return Network.create(doc)
[docs] def search(self, query: YawningTitanQuery) -> List[Network]: """ Searches the :class:`` with a :class:`NetworkSchema` query. :param query: A :class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery`. :return: A :class:`list` of :class:``. """ network_configs = [] for doc in network_configs.append(Network.create(doc)) return network_configs
[docs] def count(self, cond: Optional[QueryInstance] = None) -> int: """ Count how many docs are in the db. Extends :class:`tinydb.table.Table.count`. A :class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery` can be used to filter the count. :param cond: An optional :class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery`. Has a default value of ``None``. :return: The number of docs counted. """ if cond: return self._db.count(cond) return len(self._db.all())
[docs] def update( self, network: Network, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, author: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Network: """ Update a :class:``. in the db. :param network: An instance of :class:``. :param name: The config name. :param description: The config description. :param author: The config author. :return: The updated :class:``. """ # Update the configs metadata network.doc_metadata.update(name, description, author) # Perform the update and retrieve the returned doc doc = self._db.update( network.to_dict(json_serializable=True), network.doc_metadata.uuid, name, description, author, ) if doc: # Update the configs metadata created at network.doc_metadata.updated_at = doc["_doc_metadata"]["updated_at"] return network
[docs] def upsert( self, network: Network, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, author: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Network: """ Upsert a :class:``. in the db. :param network: An instance of :class:``. :param name: The config name. :param description: The config description. :param author: The config author. :return: The upserted :class:``. """ network.doc_metadata.update(name, description, author) doc = self._db.upsert( network.to_dict(json_serializable=True), network.doc_metadata.uuid, name, description, author, ) # Update the configs metadata created at if doc and "updated_at" in doc["_doc_metadata"]: network.doc_metadata.updated_at = doc["_doc_metadata"]["updated_at"] return network
[docs] def remove(self, network: Network) -> Union[str, None]: """ Remove a :class:``. from the db. :param network: An instance of :class:``. :return: The uuid of the removed :class:``. """ return self._db.remove(network.doc_metadata.uuid)
[docs] def remove_by_cond(self, cond: QueryInstance) -> List[str]: """ Remove :class:``. from the db that match the query. :param cond: A :class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery`. :return: The list of uuids of the removed :class:``. """ return self._db.remove_by_cond(cond)
[docs] def reset_default_networks_in_db(self, force=False): """ Reset the default network in the db. Achieves this by loading the default `yawning_titan/networks/_package_data/network.json` db file into TinyDB, then iterating over all docs and forcing an update of each one in the main networks db from its uuid if they do not match. :param force: Forces a reset without checking for equality when True. Has a default value of False. """ # Obtain the path to the default db file in package data self._db.db.clear_cache() network_root = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() default_network_path = os.path.join( network_root, "_package_data", "network.json" ) # Load the default db file into TinyDB default_db = TinyDB(default_network_path) # Iterate over all default networks, and force an update in the # main NetworkDB by uuid. for package_data_network in default_db.all(): uuid = package_data_network["_doc_metadata"]["uuid"] name = package_data_network["_doc_metadata"]["name"] # Get the matching network from the networks db try: db_network = self.get(uuid) except KeyError: db_network = None # If the network doesn't match the default, or it doesn't exist, # perform an upsert. if not force and db_network: reset = False else: reset = True if reset: self._db.db.upsert(package_data_network, DocMetadataSchema.UUID == uuid) f"Reset default network '{name}' in the " f"{} db with uuid='{uuid}'." ) # Clear the default db cache and close the file. default_db.clear_cache() default_db.close()
[docs] def rebuild_db(self): """ Rebuild the db. Actions taken: - clear the query cache - truncate the db - call :func:`~yawning_titan.networks.network_db.NetworkDB.reset_default_networks_in_db` .. warning:: This function completely rebuilds the database. Any custom networks saved in the db will be lost. The default networks can be reset using the :func:`~yawning_titan.networks.network_db.NetworkDB.reset_default_networks_in_db` function. """"Rebuilding the {} db.") self._db.db.clear_cache() self._db.db.truncate() self.reset_default_networks_in_db()
[docs]def default_18_node_network() -> Network: """ The standard 18-node network found in the Ridley, A. (2017) research paper. .. see also:: :return: An instance of :class:``. """ with NetworkDB() as db: return db.get("b3cd9dfd-b178-415d-93f0-c9e279b3c511")
[docs]def dcbo_base_network() -> Network: """ Creates the same network used to generated DCBO data. .. node:: This function replaces the network that was defined in `yawning_titan/integrations/dcbo/base_net.txt`. :return: An instance of :class:``. """ with NetworkDB() as db: return db.get("47cb9f49-b53d-44f8-9a7b-3d74cf2ec1b0")