Source code for yawning_titan.game_modes.game_mode

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

from yawning_titan.config.core import ConfigGroup
from yawning_titan.db.doc_metadata import DocMetadata, DocMetaDataObject
from yawning_titan.game_modes.components.blue_agent import Blue
from yawning_titan.game_modes.components.game_rules import GameRules
from yawning_titan.game_modes.components.miscellaneous import Miscellaneous
from yawning_titan.game_modes.components.observation_space import ObservationSpace
from yawning_titan.game_modes.components.red_agent import Red
from yawning_titan.game_modes.components.reset import Reset
from yawning_titan.game_modes.components.rewards import Rewards

# --- Tier 0 groups

[docs]class GameMode(ConfigGroup, DocMetaDataObject): """All options to configure and represent a complete game mode."""
[docs] def __init__( self, doc: Optional[str] = None, red: Red = None, blue: Blue = None, game_rules: GameRules = None, observation_space: ObservationSpace = None, on_reset: Reset = None, rewards: Rewards = None, miscellaneous: Miscellaneous = None, _doc_metadata: Optional[DocMetadata] = None, ): Red = red if red else Red() Blue = blue if blue else Blue() self.game_rules: GameRules = game_rules if game_rules else GameRules() self.observation_space: ObservationSpace = ( observation_space if observation_space else ObservationSpace() ) self.on_reset: Reset = on_reset if on_reset else Reset() self.rewards: Rewards = rewards if rewards else Rewards() self.miscellaneous: Miscellaneous = ( miscellaneous if miscellaneous else Miscellaneous() ) self._doc_metadata = _doc_metadata if _doc_metadata else DocMetadata() super().__init__(doc)
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_yaml( cls, yaml: Optional[str] = None, legacy: Optional[bool] = False, infer_legacy: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> GameMode: """ Generate a formatted instance of :class: `GameMode` from stored data. :param yaml: A yaml dictionary in the format generated by the `to_yaml` method. :param legacy: Whether the dictionary will be in legacy format. :param infer_legacy: Whether to try to set the legacy parameter based upon the keys in the dictionary. :return: An instance of :class: `GameMode`. """ game_mode = GameMode() game_mode.set_from_yaml(yaml, legacy=legacy, infer_legacy=infer_legacy) return game_mode
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, dict: Optional[dict] = None, legacy: Optional[bool] = False, infer_legacy: Optional[bool] = True, raise_errors: bool = False, ) -> GameMode: """ Generate a formatted instance of :class: `GameMode` from stored data. :param dict: A nested dictionary in the format generated by the `to_dict` method. :param legacy: Whether the dictionary will be in legacy format. :param infer_legacy: Whether to try to set the legacy parameter based upon the keys in the dictionary. :return: An instance of :class: `GameMode`. """ game_mode = GameMode() game_mode.set_from_dict(dict, legacy=legacy, infer_legacy=infer_legacy) if raise_errors and not game_mode.validation.passed: raise ValueError(game_mode.validation.log()) return game_mode
[docs] def to_dict( self, json_serializable: bool = False, include_none: bool = True, values_only: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ Serialize the :class:`` as a :class:`dict`. :param json_serializable: If ``True``, the :attr:`` "d numpy array is converted to a list." :param include_none: Determines whether to include empty fields in the dict. Has a default value of ``True``. :return: The :class:`` as a :class:`dict`. """ if json_serializable: values_only = True config_dict = super().to_dict( values_only=values_only, include_none=include_none ) if json_serializable and self.doc_metadata is not None: config_dict["_doc_metadata"] = self.doc_metadata.to_dict(include_none=True) return config_dict