Source code for yawning_titan.game_modes.components.rewards

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

from yawning_titan.config.core import ConfigGroup
from yawning_titan.config.item_types.bool_item import BoolItem, BoolProperties
from yawning_titan.config.item_types.int_item import IntItem, IntProperties
from yawning_titan.config.item_types.str_item import StrItem, StrProperties

# --- Tier 0 groups

[docs]class Rewards(ConfigGroup): """The rewards the blue agent receives based upon the final game state."""
[docs] def __init__( self, for_loss: Optional[int] = 0, for_reaching_max_steps: Optional[int] = 0, end_rewards_are_multiplied_by_end_state: Optional[bool] = False, reduce_negative_rewards_for_closer_fails: Optional[bool] = False, function: Optional[str] = "standard_rewards", ): from yawning_titan.envs.generic.core import reward_functions doc = "The rewards the blue agent gets for different game states" self.for_loss = IntItem( value=for_loss, doc="Rewards for the blue agent losing", properties=IntProperties(allow_null=True, default=0), alias="rewards_for_loss", ) self.for_reaching_max_steps = IntItem( value=for_reaching_max_steps, doc="Rewards for the blue agent winning by reaching the maximum number of steps", properties=IntProperties(allow_null=True, default=0), alias="rewards_for_reaching_max_steps", ) self.end_rewards_are_multiplied_by_end_state = BoolItem( value=end_rewards_are_multiplied_by_end_state, doc="How good the end state is (what % blue controls) is multiplied by the rewards that blue receives for winning", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=False, default=False), alias="end_rewards_are_multiplied_by_end_state", ) self.reduce_negative_rewards_for_closer_fails = BoolItem( value=reduce_negative_rewards_for_closer_fails, doc="The negative rewards from the red agent winning are reduced the closer to the end the blue agent gets", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=False, default=False), alias="reduce_negative_rewards_for_closer_fails", ) self.function: StrItem = StrItem( value=function, doc=( "There are several built in example reward methods that you can choose from (shown below) " "You can also create your own reward method by copying one of the built in methods and calling it here " "built in reward methods: standard_rewards, one_per_timestep, safe_nodes_give_rewards, punish_bad_actions" ), properties=StrProperties( default="standard_rewards", options=list(reward_functions.__dict__.keys()), ), alias="reward_function", ) super().__init__(doc)