Source code for yawning_titan.game_modes.components.miscellaneous

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

from yawning_titan.config.core import ConfigGroup
from yawning_titan.config.item_types.bool_item import BoolItem, BoolProperties
from yawning_titan.config.item_types.int_item import IntItem, IntProperties

# --- Tier 0 groups

[docs]class Miscellaneous(ConfigGroup): """Miscellaneous settings."""
[docs] def __init__( self, random_seed: Optional[int] = None, output_timestep_data_to_json: Optional[bool] = False, ): doc = "Additional options" self.random_seed = IntItem( value=random_seed, doc="Seed to inform the random number generation of python and numpy thereby creating deterministic game outputs", properties=IntProperties(allow_null=True), alias="random_seed", ) self.output_timestep_data_to_json = BoolItem( value=output_timestep_data_to_json, doc="Toggle to output a json file for each step that contains the connections between nodes, the states of the nodes and the attacks that blue saw in that turn", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=True, default=False), alias="output_timestep_data_to_json", ) super().__init__(doc)