Source code for yawning_titan.game_modes.components.blue_agent

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional, Union

from yawning_titan.config.core import ConfigGroup, ConfigGroupValidation
from yawning_titan.config.groups.core import NodeChanceGroup, UseChancesGroup
from yawning_titan.config.groups.validation import AnyUsedGroup
from yawning_titan.config.item_types.bool_item import BoolItem, BoolProperties
from yawning_titan.config.item_types.float_item import FloatItem, FloatProperties
from yawning_titan.config.item_types.int_item import IntItem, IntProperties
from yawning_titan.exceptions import ConfigGroupValidationError

# --- Tier 1 groups ---
[docs]class MakeNodeSafeGroup(ConfigGroup): """Group of values that collectively."""
[docs] def __init__( self, doc: Optional[str] = None, use: Optional[bool] = False, increases_vulnerability: Optional[bool] = False, gives_random_vulnerability: Optional[bool] = False, vulnerability_change: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, ): self.use: BoolItem = BoolItem( value=use, doc="Blue fixes a node but does not restore it to its initial state.", alias="blue_uses_make_node_safe", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=False, default=False), ) self.increases_vulnerability: BoolItem = BoolItem( value=increases_vulnerability, doc="If blue fixes a node then the vulnerability score of that node increases.", alias="making_node_safe_modifies_vulnerability", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=False), ) self.gives_random_vulnerability: BoolItem = BoolItem( value=gives_random_vulnerability, doc="making_node_safe_gives_random_vulnerability", alias="making_node_safe_gives_random_vulnerability", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=False), ) self.vulnerability_change: FloatItem = FloatItem( value=vulnerability_change, doc="The amount that the vulnerability of a node changes when it is made safe.", alias="vulnerability_change_during_node_patch", properties=FloatProperties( allow_null=True, default=0, min_val=-1, max_val=1, inclusive_min=True, inclusive_max=True, ), ) super().__init__(doc)
[docs] def validate(self) -> ConfigGroupValidation: """Extend the parent validation with additional rules specific to this :class: `~yawning_titan.config.core.ConfigGroup`.""" super().validate() try: if ( self.increases_vulnerability.value and self.gives_random_vulnerability.value ): msg = "Making a node safe cannot simultaneously increase the nodes vulnerability by a set amount and randomly set the vulnerability" raise ConfigGroupValidationError(msg) except ConfigGroupValidationError as e: self.validation.add_validation(msg, e) return self.validation
[docs]class DeceptiveNodeGroup(ConfigGroup): """The options related to the blue agents use of deceptive nodes."""
[docs] def __init__( self, doc: Optional[str] = None, use: Optional[bool] = False, max_number: Optional[int] = 1, new_node_on_relocate: Optional[bool] = False, ): self.use: BoolItem = BoolItem( value=use, doc=( "Blue agent can place down deceptive nodes. These nodes act as just another node " "in the network but have a different chance of spotting attacks and always show when they are compromised." ), alias="blue_uses_deceptive_nodes", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=False, default=False), ) self.max_number: IntItem = IntItem( value=max_number, doc="The max number of deceptive nodes that blue can place.", alias="max_number_deceptive_nodes", properties=IntProperties( allow_null=True, default=1, min_val=0, inclusive_min=True ), ) self.new_node_on_relocate: BoolItem = BoolItem( value=new_node_on_relocate, doc=""" When the blue agent places a deceptive node and it has none left in stock it will "pick up" the first deceptive node that it used and "relocate it" When relocating a node will the stats for the node (such as the vulnerability and compromised status) be re-generated as if adding a new node or will they carry over from the "old" node.""", alias="relocating_deceptive_nodes_generates_a_new_node", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=True, default=False), ) super().__init__(doc)
[docs] def validate(self) -> ConfigGroupValidation: """Extend the parent validation with additional rules specific to this :class: `~yawning_titan.config.core.ConfigGroup`.""" super().validate() try: if self.use.value and self.max_number.value == 0: msg = "if the blue agent can use deceptive nodes then it must be able to create at least 1." raise ConfigGroupValidationError(msg) except ConfigGroupValidationError as e: self.validation.add_validation(msg, e) return self.validation
# --- Tier 2 groups ---
[docs]class BlueActionSetGroup(AnyUsedGroup): """The options related to the actions that the blue agent can perform."""
[docs] def __init__( self, doc: Optional[str] = None, reduce_vulnerability: Optional[bool] = False, restore_node: Optional[bool] = False, scan: Optional[bool] = False, isolate_node: Optional[bool] = False, reconnect_node: Optional[bool] = False, do_nothing: Optional[bool] = False, make_node_safe: Optional[MakeNodeSafeGroup] = None, deceptive_nodes: Optional[DeceptiveNodeGroup] = None, ): self.reduce_vulnerability: BoolItem = BoolItem( value=reduce_vulnerability, doc="Blue picks a node and reduces the vulnerability score.", alias="blue_uses_reduce_vulnerability", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=True, default=False), ) self.restore_node: BoolItem = BoolItem( value=restore_node, doc="Blue picks a node and restores everything about the node to its starting state.", alias="blue_uses_restore_node", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=True, default=False), ) self.scan: BoolItem = BoolItem( value=scan, doc="Blue scans all the nodes to try and detect any red intrusions.", alias="blue_uses_scan", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=True, default=False), ) self.isolate_node: BoolItem = BoolItem( value=isolate_node, doc="Blue disables all the connections to and from a node.", alias="blue_uses_isolate_node", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=True, default=False), ) self.reconnect_node: BoolItem = BoolItem( value=reconnect_node, doc="Blue re-connects all the connections to and from a node.", alias="blue_uses_reconnect_node", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=True, default=False), ) self.do_nothing: BoolItem = BoolItem( value=do_nothing, doc="The blue agent is able to perform no attack for a given turn.", alias="blue_uses_do_nothing", properties=BoolProperties(allow_null=True, default=False), ) self.make_node_safe: MakeNodeSafeGroup = ( make_node_safe if make_node_safe else MakeNodeSafeGroup( doc="all information relating to the process of the blue fixing a node but not restoring it to its initial state.", ) ) self.deceptive_nodes: DeceptiveNodeGroup = ( deceptive_nodes if deceptive_nodes else DeceptiveNodeGroup( doc=( "all information relating to the blue agent placing down deceptive nodes." "These nodes act as just another node in the network but have a " "different chance of spotting attacks and always show when they " "are compromised." ) ) ) super().__init__(doc)
[docs] def validate(self) -> ConfigGroupValidation: """Extend the parent validation with additional rules specific to this :class: `~yawning_titan.config.core.ConfigGroup`.""" super().validate() pair = [self.isolate_node.value, self.reconnect_node.value] try: if any(v is True for v in pair) and not all(v is True for v in pair): msg = "Blue should be able to reconnect or isolate nodes if the other is true." raise ConfigGroupValidationError(msg) except ConfigGroupValidationError as e: self.validation.add_validation(msg, e) return self.validation
[docs]class BlueIntrusionDiscoveryGroup(ConfigGroup): """The options related to the ability for the blue agent to discover the red agents intrusions into the network."""
[docs] def __init__( self, doc: Optional[str] = None, immediate_standard_node: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, immediate_deceptive_node: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, on_scan_standard_node: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, on_scan_deceptive_node: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, ): self.immediate = NodeChanceGroup( standard_node=immediate_standard_node, deceptive_node=immediate_deceptive_node, ) self.immediate.standard_node.alias = "chance_to_immediately_discover_intrusion" self.immediate.standard_node.doc = "Chance for blue to discover a node that red has compromised the instant red compromises the node." self.immediate.deceptive_node.alias = ( "chance_to_immediately_discover_intrusion_deceptive_node" ) self.immediate.deceptive_node.doc = "Chance for blue to discover a deceptive node that red has compromised the instant it is compromised." self.on_scan = NodeChanceGroup( standard_node=on_scan_standard_node, deceptive_node=on_scan_deceptive_node ) self.on_scan.standard_node.alias = "chance_to_discover_intrusion_on_scan" self.on_scan.standard_node.doc = "When blue performs the scan action this is the chance that a red intrusion is discovered." self.on_scan.deceptive_node.alias = ( "chance_to_discover_intrusion_on_scan_deceptive_node" ) self.on_scan.deceptive_node.doc = "When blue uses the scan action what is the chance that blue will detect an intrusion in a deceptive node." super().__init__(doc)
[docs] def validate(self) -> ConfigGroupValidation: """Extend the parent validation with additional rules specific to this :class: `~yawning_titan.config.core.ConfigGroup`.""" super().validate() try: if ( self.on_scan.deceptive_node.value <= self.on_scan.standard_node.value ) and (self.on_scan.deceptive_node.value != 1): msg = "there should be a higher chance at detecting intrusions on deceptive nodes than standard nodes." raise ConfigGroupValidationError(msg) except ConfigGroupValidationError as e: self.validation.add_validation(msg, e) return self.validation
[docs]class BlueAttackDiscoveryGroup(ConfigGroup): """The options related to the blue agents ability to discover the attacks the red agent makes to nodes within the network."""
[docs] def __init__( self, doc: Optional[str] = None, failed_attacks: Optional[UseChancesGroup] = None, succeeded_attacks_known_compromise: Optional[UseChancesGroup] = None, succeeded_attacks_unknown_compromise: Optional[UseChancesGroup] = None, ): self.failed_attacks: UseChancesGroup = ( failed_attacks if failed_attacks else UseChancesGroup( doc="Whether the blue can discover failed attacks and the associated chance of discovery." ) ) self.failed_attacks.use.alias = "can_discover_failed_attacks" self.failed_attacks.chance.standard_node.alias = ( "chance_to_discover_failed_attack" ) self.failed_attacks.chance.deceptive_node.alias = ( "chance_to_discover_failed_attack_deceptive_node" ) self.succeeded_attacks_known_compromise: UseChancesGroup = ( succeeded_attacks_known_compromise if succeeded_attacks_known_compromise else UseChancesGroup( doc="Whether the blue can discover succeeded attacks where the nature " "of the compromise is known and the associated chance of discovery." ) ) self.succeeded_attacks_known_compromise.use.alias = ( "can_discover_succeeded_attacks_if_compromise_is_discovered" ) self.succeeded_attacks_known_compromise.chance.standard_node.alias = ( "chance_to_discover_succeeded_attack_compromise_known" ) self.succeeded_attacks_known_compromise.chance.deceptive_node.alias = ( "chance_to_discover_succeeded_attack_deceptive_node" ) self.succeeded_attacks_unknown_compromise: UseChancesGroup = ( succeeded_attacks_unknown_compromise if succeeded_attacks_unknown_compromise else UseChancesGroup( doc="Whether the blue can discover succeeded attacks where the nature " "of the compromise is unknown and the associated chance of discovery." ) ) self.succeeded_attacks_unknown_compromise.use.alias = ( "can_discover_succeeded_attacks_if_compromise_is_not_discovered" ) self.succeeded_attacks_unknown_compromise.chance.standard_node.alias = ( "chance_to_discover_succeeded_attack_compromise_not_known" ) # Set the deceptive node chances to both reference same config item self.succeeded_attacks_unknown_compromise.chance.deceptive_node = ( self.succeeded_attacks_known_compromise.chance.deceptive_node ) super().__init__(doc)
# --- Tier 3 groups ---
[docs]class Blue(ConfigGroup): """All options relating to the behavior of the blue agent."""
[docs] def __init__( self, action_set: Optional[BlueActionSetGroup] = None, intrusion_discovery_chance: Optional[BlueIntrusionDiscoveryGroup] = None, attack_discovery: Optional[BlueAttackDiscoveryGroup] = None, ): doc = "The configuration of the blue agent" self.action_set: BlueActionSetGroup = ( action_set if action_set else BlueActionSetGroup( doc="The set of actions the blue agent can perform and their associated information." ) ) self.intrusion_discovery_chance: BlueIntrusionDiscoveryGroup = ( intrusion_discovery_chance if intrusion_discovery_chance else BlueIntrusionDiscoveryGroup( doc="The chances of blue discovering intrusions for different node types." ) ) self.attack_discovery: BlueAttackDiscoveryGroup = ( attack_discovery if attack_discovery else BlueAttackDiscoveryGroup( doc="Which of reds attacks can the blue agent discover together with their associated discovery chances for different node types." ) ) super().__init__(doc)
[docs] def validate(self) -> ConfigGroupValidation: """Extend the parent validation with additional rules specific to this :class: `~yawning_titan.config.core.ConfigGroup`.""" super().validate() try: if ( self.action_set.scan.value and self.intrusion_discovery_chance.immediate.standard_node.value == 1 ): msg = ( "The scan action is selected yet blue has 100% chance to spot " "detections. There is no need for the blue to have the scan " "action in this case." ) raise ConfigGroupValidationError(msg) elif ( not self.action_set.scan.value and self.intrusion_discovery_chance.immediate.standard_node.value != 1 ): msg = ( "If the blue agent cannot scan nodes then it should be able to " "automatically detect the intrusions." ) raise ConfigGroupValidationError(msg) except ConfigGroupValidationError as e: self.validation.add_validation(msg, e) return self.validation