Source code for yawning_titan.exceptions

"""Custom Yawning-Titan exceptions."""

[docs]class YawningTitanDBError(ValueError): """ Raised during insert fails by :class:`~yawning_titan.db.yawning_titan_db.YawningTitanDB`. Should be handled and dealt with without exiting. """ pass
[docs]class YawningTitanDBCriticalError(ValueError): """ Raised during update and remove fails by :class:`~yawning_titan.db.yawning_titan_db.YawningTitanDB`. Would suggest the DB is corrupted. Should be handled to ensure a 'graceful' exit. """ pass
[docs]class ConfigItemValidationError(ValueError): """A config value has failed validation against a given ``ItemTypeProperties``.""" pass
[docs]class ConfigGroupValidationError(ValueError): """A config group has failed validation.""" pass
[docs]class YawningTitanRunError(ValueError): """An error has occurred during the instantiation of the YawningTitanRun class.""" pass
[docs]class NetworkError(ValueError): """An error has occurred in the construction to the Network."""