NOTE: This environment is deprecated but has been included as an example of how to create a specific environment.
Four Node Connected Environment
This environment is made up of four nodes in the following topology:
| |
| |
+--------------+ Node 1 - UAD +---------------+
| | Red Start | |
| | | +---------+---------+
+--------+----------+ | | | |
| | +-------------------+ | |
| | | Node 3 - UAD |
| Node 2 - UAD | | |
| | +-------------------+ | |
| | | | +---------+---------+
+-------+-----------+ | Node 4 - UAD | |
| | Objective | |
+---------------+ +---------------+
| |
| |
The aim of this environment is for a blue team agent, which has full observability of the
environment, to successfully stop the hard code red agent from getting to the objective.
Inspired by:
- https://github.com/panlybero/MARL-POMDP-CYBERSECURITY
- https://www.scitepress.org/Link.aspx?doi=10.5220%2f0006197105590566
import logging
from typing import Tuple
import gym
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from yawning_titan.agents.fixed_red import FixedRedAgent
from yawning_titan.agents.simple_blue import SimpleBlue
from yawning_titan.envs.generic.helpers.graph2plot import CustomEnvGraph
from yawning_titan.envs.specific.core import node_states as nodes
from yawning_titan.envs.specific.core.machines import Machines
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class FourNodeDef(gym.Env):
"""Class that represents a simple four node connected network."""
[docs] def __init__(
attacker_skill: float = 90,
red_start_node: int = 0,
objective_node: int = 3,
n_machines: int = 4,
attack_success_threshold: float = 0.6,
# Setting up the network
self.n_machines = n_machines
self.graph_adj_matrix = np.array(
[0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0]
).reshape(4, 4)
self.network = nx.from_numpy_array(self.graph_adj_matrix)
assert len(self.network) == self.n_machines
logger.debug("Assert Pass: Length of network is equal to number of machines")
self.pos = nx.spring_layout(self.network)
# Setting up the environment spaces
self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self.n_machines * 2)
self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(
low=0, high=1, shape=(self.n_machines, 2)
# Setting up Episode Settings
self.reward_range = [-50, 50]
self.total_rewards = 0
self.total_no_of_steps = 0
self.done = False
# Setting up Machine States
machines = Machines(n_machines=self.n_machines)
self.machine_states = machines.machine_states
self.initial_states = machines.initial_states
self.uncompromised_nodes = None
self.compromised_nodes = None
# Setting up blue agents actions
self.blue = SimpleBlue(n_machines=self.n_machines)
# Setting up the objective for Red
self.objective_node = objective_node
# Setting up the red agent settings
self.red_start_node = red_start_node
self.red_previous_node = None
self.red_current_node = self.red_start_node
self.attacker_skill = attacker_skill
self.attack_success_threshold = attack_success_threshold
self.red_objective_accomplished = False
self.RED = FixedRedAgent(skill=self.attacker_skill)
self.target = None
self.graph_plotter = None
logger.debug("Experiment Started")
logger.debug(f"Starting State: {self.initial_states}")
[docs] def reset(self) -> np.array:
Reset the environment to the default state.
A new starting observation (numpy array)
# Reset Machine States
machines = Machines(n_machines=self.n_machines)
self.machine_states = machines.machine_states
self.initial_states = machines.get_initial_state()
# Reset Episode Settings
self.total_rewards = 0
self.total_no_of_steps = 0
self.done = False
# Reset Red Agent
self.red_objective_accomplished = False
self.red_current_node = self.red_start_node
self.RED = FixedRedAgent(skill=self.attacker_skill)
logger.debug("Environment Reset")
logger.debug(f"Starting State: {self.initial_states}")
return self._observe()
[docs] def step(self, action: int) -> Tuple[np.array, float, bool, dict]:
Take a time step and execute the actions for both Blue RL agent and hard-hard coded Red agent.
action: The action value generated from the Blue RL agent (int)
observation: The next environment observation (numpy array)
reward: The reward value for that timestep (int)
done: Whether the epsiode is done (bool)
notes: An empty notes dictionary
logger.debug(f"Timestep - {self.total_no_of_steps}")
f"Red Current: {self.red_current_node} Uncomp Node: {self.uncompromised_nodes} Comp Nodes: {self.compromised_nodes}"
self.uncompromised_nodes = nodes.get_linked_uncompromised_nodes(
self.red_current_node, self.network, self.machine_states
self.compromised_nodes = nodes.get_linked_compromised_nodes(
self.red_current_node, self.network, self.machine_states
red_action, self.target = self.RED.select_action(
self.uncompromised_nodes, self.compromised_nodes
skill_level = self.RED.skill
assert (self.red_current_node == 0 and self.target == 3) is False
if red_action == 0:
self.machine_states[self.target][1] = 1
logger.debug(f"Red Team: Zero Day Used on {self.target + 1}")
self.red_previous_node = self.red_current_node
self.red_current_node = self.target
elif red_action == 1:
# Calculate Attack power based on skill level and target vulnerability score
attack = (skill_level * self.machine_states[self.target][0]) / 100
logger.debug(f"Red Attack Power: {attack}")
# If Attack Power greater than ATTACK_SUCCESS_THRESHOLD, compromise machine
if attack >= self.attack_success_threshold:
# Compromised
self.machine_states[self.target][1] = 1
self.red_previous_node = self.red_current_node
self.red_current_node = self.target
logger.debug(f"Red Team: {attack} on target {self.target} - SUCCESS")
logger.debug(f"Red Team: {attack} on target {self.target} - FAILED")
elif red_action == 2:
self.red_previous_node = self.red_current_node
self.red_current_node = self.target
logger.debug(f"Red Team: Moved to {self.target}")
self.blue.do_blue_action(action, self.machine_states, self.initial_states)
if self.machine_states[3][1] == 1:
self.red_objective_accomplished = True
if self.machine_states[self.red_current_node][1] == 0:
self.red_current_node = self.red_previous_node
logger.debug("Blue Team pushed Red Team back")
# Calculate Timestep Reward
reward = self._get_reward()
self.total_rewards += reward
# Add to timestep counter
self.total_no_of_steps += 1
# Check if Episode is complete
# is_done check before reward
# Get next observation
observation = self._observe()
f"Total Reward: {self.total_rewards} Total No. of Steps : {self.total_no_of_steps}"
return observation, reward, self.done, {"action": action}
[docs] def render(self, mode: str = "human"):
"""Render the environment to the screen so that it can be played in realtime."""
if self.graph_plotter is None:
self.graph_plotter = CustomEnvGraph()
comp = {i: True for i in self.compromised_nodes}
safe = self.uncompromised_nodes
main_graph = self.network
main_graph_pos = self.pos
states = self.machine_states
vulnerabilities = {}
for counter, i in enumerate(states):
vulnerabilities[counter] = i[0]
"Four node network with an RL blue vs probabilistic red",
def _observe(self) -> np.array:
Create the next observation.
A formatted observation array
observation = np.array(self.machine_states, dtype=np.float32)
return observation
def _get_reward(self) -> float:
Calculate the reward for the agent.
The reward policy is set to incentivize survival and punish
when red wins.
A reward value for a time step
reward = 0
if self.red_objective_accomplished is True:
reward -= 1
if self.total_no_of_steps == 499:
reward += 1
return reward
def _is_done(self):
Determine if an episode has been completed.
There are two terminal states.
1) If the red agent successfully compromises the objective
2) If the blue agent successfully survives 500 time steps.
Sets self.done to True if either are fulfilled.
if self.red_objective_accomplished is True:
f"Red Team Wins - Game Over Blue Team Survived - {self.total_no_of_steps}"
self.done = True
if self.total_no_of_steps == 500:
logger.debug("Blue Team Wins - Game Over")
self.done = True