Source code for yawning_titan.envs.specific.core.nsa_node

from typing import Tuple

[docs]class Node: """Class representing a the state of single node within the Ridley 17 inspired environment."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self.isolated = False self.compromised = False
[docs] def get_condition(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Return the condition of the node. Returns: reward: a list containing the isolation and compromised status of the node ([bool, bool]) """ return self.isolated, self.compromised
[docs] def change_isolated(self): """ Change the isolation status of a node. Flips it so if it was true it becomes false and vice versa """ if self.isolated: self.isolated = False else: self.isolated = True
[docs] def change_compromised(self, mode: int): """ Change the compromised status of a node. Args: mode: either 0, 1 or 2 0: does nothing 1: changes the node to safe 2: changes the node to compromised """ if mode == 0: pass elif mode == 1: self.compromised = False else: self.compromised = True