Source code for yawning_titan.envs.specific.core.node_states

from typing import List, Tuple

import networkx as nx


This module contains helper functions to find compromised and uncompromised nodes for
the four-node-def-v0 and five-node-def-v0 environments.

[docs]def get_linked_node_state( current_position: int, network: nx.Graph, machine_states: List[List[float]] ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]: """ Calculate the state of the nodes linked the red team's current position. Args: current_position: The current Red Team's location network: A networkx graph representation of the network machine_states: The current machine states Returns: uncompromised_nodes: A list of uncompromised linked nodes compromised_nodes: A list of compromised linked nodes """ linked_nodes = list(network.edges(current_position)) uncompromised_nodes = [] compromised_nodes = [] for i in range(len(linked_nodes)): node = linked_nodes[i][1] if machine_states[node][1] == 0: uncompromised_nodes.append(node) else: compromised_nodes.append(node) return uncompromised_nodes, compromised_nodes
[docs]def get_linked_compromised_nodes( current_position: int, network: nx.Graph, machine_states: List[List[float]] ) -> List[int]: """ Return a list containing all the linked compromised nodes relative to the red agents current position. Args: current_position: The red teams current position network: A networkx graph representation of the network machine_states: The current machine states Returns: compromised nodes: A list of comrpomised linked nodes """ linked_nodes = list(network.edges(current_position)) compromised_nodes = [] for i in range(len(linked_nodes)): node = linked_nodes[i][1] if machine_states[node][1] == 1: compromised_nodes.append(node) return compromised_nodes
[docs]def get_linked_uncompromised_nodes( current_position: int, network: nx.Graph, machine_states: List[List[float]] ) -> List[int]: """ Return a list containing all the linked uncompromised nodes relative to the red agents current position. Args: current_position: The red teams current position network: A networkx graph representation of the network machine_states: The current machine states Returns: compromised nodes: A list of uncomrpomised linked nodes """ linked_nodes = list(network.edges(current_position)) uncompromised_nodes = [] for i in range(len(linked_nodes)): node = linked_nodes[i][1] if machine_states[node][1] == 0: uncompromised_nodes.append(node) return uncompromised_nodes
[docs]def get_uncompromised_nodes(machine_states: List[List[float]]) -> List[int]: """ Return a list of uncompromised nodes. Args: machine_states: The current machine states Returns: A list of uncompromised nodes Notes: This differs from the similar function above because this function does not support returning uncompromised nodes based on an agents current position """ uncompromised_nodes = [] for i in range(len(machine_states)): if machine_states[i][1] == 0: uncompromised_nodes.append(i) return uncompromised_nodes
[docs]def get_compromised_nodes(machine_states: List[List[float]]) -> List[int]: """ Return a list of compromised nodes. Args: machine_states: The current machine states Returns: A list of compromised nodes Notes: This differs from the similar function above because this function does not support returning uncompromised nodes based on an agents current position """ compromised_nodes = [] for i in range(len(machine_states)): if machine_states[i][1] == 1: compromised_nodes.append(i) return compromised_nodes