Source code for yawning_titan.envs.specific.core.machines

import random
from typing import List

[docs]class Machines: """ Class that represents a collection of machines. Sets the initial state for the machines within the environment and randomly generates vulnerability scores for each machine """
[docs] def __init__( self, n_machines: int = 5, vuln_score_ub: float = 0.80, vuln_score_lb: float = 0.40, ): self.n_machines = n_machines self.vuln_score_upper_bound = vuln_score_ub self.vuln_score_lower_bound = vuln_score_lb self.machine_states = self.init_machines() self.initial_states = self.get_initial_state()
[docs] def init_machines(self) -> List[List[float]]: """ Generate a set of machines state pairs. Each pair has a vulnerability score between the upper and lower bound values provided and a 0 to denote uncompromised state Returns: A list of fresh machine states pairs. Example: [[0.74,0],[0.47,0],[0.62, 0],[0.52, 0],[0.83,0]] """ machine_states = [] for _ in range(self.n_machines): # generate vulnerability vuln_score = ( random.randint( (self.vuln_score_lower_bound * 100), (self.vuln_score_upper_bound * 100), ) / 100.0 ) vuln_score = round(vuln_score, 2) machine_state = [vuln_score, 0] machine_states.append(machine_state) return machine_states
[docs] def get_initial_state(self) -> List[List[float]]: """ Get the initial states of the machines. Returns: The initial machine states Notes: This is required in order to ensure that the initial states are saved properly. """ initial_states = [] for i in self.machine_states: temp = [] for j in i: temp.append(j) initial_states.append(temp) return initial_states