Source code for yawning_titan.envs.generic.helpers.eval_printout

Util to print out agent evaluation metrics.

The metrics printed out are:
    - Total episodes elapsed
    - Absolute wins for red and blue
    - Percentage win rate for red and blue
    - Average episode length
    - Actions taken by blue each game/Average actions taken by blue over n games

from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from typing import List, Tuple

from tabulate import tabulate

[docs]class EvalPrintout: """Class to represnt an Eval Printer."""
[docs] def __init__(self, avg_every: int): """ Initialise printout object. Args: avg_every: Number of timesteps to average stats over """ # Assert that the number of timesteps to average over must be a positive, non-zero integer if avg_every < 1: raise ValueError("avg_every must be greater than or equal to 1") elif not (isinstance(avg_every, int)): raise ValueError("avg_every must be an integer") self.avg_every = avg_every
[docs] def print_stats(self, game_stats_list: List[dict], total_games: int): """ Print out the (averaged) stats from the last avg_every number of games to the console. Args: game_stats_list: List of dictionaries containing the last avg_every number of game stats total_games: Total games played since starting """ print("--Game over--") print("Total number of Games Played: ", total_games) # Calculate average metrics from the list of individual game metrics ( blue_wins, red_wins, percentage_blue, percentage_red, avg_duration, avg_actions, ) = self.calculate_metrics(game_stats_list) # If printing every game, no need to print blue/red win ratio if self.avg_every == 1: print(game_stats_list[-1]["Winner"], "wins!") print("Episode length: ", game_stats_list[-1]["Duration"]) # If printing every avg_every games, use different messages and print blue/red win ratio else: print(f"Stats over the last {self.avg_every} games:") print("Average episode length: ", avg_duration, "\n") print( tabulate( [ (blue_wins, red_wins), (f"{percentage_blue}%", f"{percentage_red}%"), ], headers=["Blue Won", "Red Won"], ) ) print("\n") # Print actions used by blue print( tabulate( [(x[0], x[1][0], f"{x[1][1]}%") for x in list(avg_actions)], headers=["Action", "Avg Times Used", "Percentage of Action Usage"], ) ) print("\n\n")
[docs] def calculate_metrics( self, game_stats_list: List[dict] ) -> Tuple[int, int, float, float, int, list]: """ Calculate the metrics to be printed. Args: game_stats_list: List of dictionaries containing the last avg_every number of game stats Returns: blue_wins: Number of games blue won in the last avg_every number of games red_wins: Number of games red won in the last avg_every number of games percentage_blue: Percentage of games blue won in the last avg_every number of games percentage_red: Percentage of games red won in the last avg_every number of games avg_duration: Average number of timesteps per episode over the last avg_every number of games sorted_actions: Dictionary of actions taken by blue, averaged over the last avg_every number of games and ordered by frequency of each action from highest to lowest. Dictionary values are tuples: (average frequency of action, action usage percentage) """ winner_list = [] duration_list = [] action_list = [] cumulative_actions = Counter({}) combined_actions = defaultdict(list) blue_wins = 0 red_wins = 0 # Split stats list into separate lists containing winners, game durations, and actions taken by blue for game in game_stats_list: game_actions = {} winner_list.append(game["Winner"]) duration_list.append(game["Duration"]) for k, v in game.items(): if k not in ["Winner", "Duration"]: game_actions[k] = v action_list.append(game_actions) # Count how many times blue and red won for winner in winner_list: if winner == "blue": blue_wins += 1 else: red_wins += 1 # Calculate blue/red win ratios percentage_blue = round((blue_wins / self.avg_every) * 100, 2) percentage_red = round((red_wins / self.avg_every) * 100, 2) # Calculate the average number of timesteps that episodes last for total_duration = sum(duration_list) avg_duration = round(total_duration / self.avg_every) # Calculate blue's average usage for each action for actions in action_list: cumulative_actions += actions avg_actions = { k: round(v / self.avg_every) for k, v in dict(cumulative_actions).items() } # Calculate percentage of blue's action usage for each action total_actions = sum(avg_actions.values()) if total_actions == 0: total_actions = 1 percentage_actions = { k: round((v / total_actions) * 100, 2) for k, v in avg_actions.items() } # Combine average action usage and percentage of action usage into the same dictionary (values are tuples) for d in (avg_actions, percentage_actions): for k, v in d.items(): combined_actions[k].append(v) # Sort the actions in order from highest average usage to lowest sorted_actions = sorted( combined_actions.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True ) return ( blue_wins, red_wins, percentage_blue, percentage_red, avg_duration, sorted_actions, )