Source code for yawning_titan.envs.generic.helpers.environment_input_validation

from typing import Union

[docs]def check_type(data: dict, name: str, types: list): """ Check data item_types contained within a dictionary is one of a list of item_types. Args: data: The dictionary name: The name of the key of the item to check types: A list of item_types that the item must belong to """ if None in types and data[name] is None: return if type(data[name]) not in types: raise ValueError( "'" + name + "' needs to be of type: " + " or ".join(map(str, types)) )
[docs]def check_within_range( data: dict, name: str, lower: Union[None, float], upper: Union[None, float], l_inclusive: bool, u_inclusive: bool, ): """ Check that an item belonging to a dictionary fits within a certain numerical range (either inclusive or not). If upper or lower are None then ignores that direction. Args: data: The dictionary where the item is held name: The name of the key that corresponds to the item lower: The lower bound for the range (None means no lower bound) upper: The upper bound for the range (None means no upper bound) l_inclusive: Boolean - True for inclusive, False for not u_inclusive: Boolean - True for inclusive, False for not """ if lower is not None: if l_inclusive is False: if data[name] <= lower: raise ValueError( "'" + name + "' Needs to have a value greater than: " + str(lower) + " (not inclusive)" ) else: if data[name] < lower: raise ValueError( "'" + name + "' Needs to have a value greater than: " + str(lower) + " (inclusive)" ) if upper is not None: if u_inclusive is False: if data[name] >= upper: raise ValueError( "'" + name + "' Needs to have a value less than: " + str(upper) + " (not inclusive)" ) else: if data[name] > upper: raise ValueError( "'" + name + "' Needs to have a value less than: " + str(upper) + " (inclusive)" )