Source code for yawning_titan.envs.generic.core.red_interface

from typing import Dict, List, Union

from yawning_titan.envs.generic.core.network_interface import NetworkInterface
from yawning_titan.envs.generic.core.red_action_set import RedActionSet

An interface to the parent red agent that selects what actions it wants to use base on the settings and then uses a
dictionary to call these actions.

[docs]class RedInterface(RedActionSet): """The interface used by the Red Agents to act within the environment."""
[docs] def __init__(self, network_interface: NetworkInterface): """ Initialise the red interface. Args: network_interface: Object from the NetworkInterface class """ self.network_interface = network_interface self.non_attacking_actions = ["do_nothing", "random_move"] self.action_dict = {} action_set = [] probabilities_set = [] action_number = 0 # Goes through the actions that the red agent can perform if # If the action is enabled in the settings files then add to list of possible actions self.action_dict[action_number] = self.spread action_set.append(action_number) # also gets the weight for the action (likelihood action is performed) from the settings file probabilities_set.append( ) action_number += 1 if self.action_dict[action_number] = self.intrude action_set.append(action_number) probabilities_set.append( ) action_number += 1 if self.action_dict[action_number] = self.basic_attack action_set.append(action_number) probabilities_set.append( ) action_number += 1 if self.action_dict[action_number] = self.do_nothing action_set.append(action_number) probabilities_set.append( ) action_number += 1 if self.action_dict[action_number] = self.random_move action_set.append(action_number) probabilities_set.append( ) action_number += 1 # normalises the weights so they work with numpy choices probabilities_set_normal = [ float(i) / sum(probabilities_set) for i in probabilities_set ] super().__init__(network_interface, action_set, probabilities_set_normal)
[docs] def perform_action(self) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, List[Union[bool, str, None]]]]: """ Chooses and then performs an action. This is called for every one of the red agents turns Returns: A tuple containing the name of the action, the success status, the target, the attacking node and any natural spreading attacks """ current_turn_attack_info = {} action_count = 0 if current_turn_attack_info[action_count] = self.natural_spread() action_count += 1 zd = False # tries to use a zero day attack if it is enabled (not in the main dictionary as it tries it every turn) if inter = self.zero_day_attack() if True in inter["Successes"]: current_turn_attack_info[action_count] = inter zd = True action_count += 1 if zd is False: # chooses an action action = self.choose_action() # performs the action current_turn_attack_info[action_count] = self.action_dict[action]() action_count += 1 # If there are no possible targets for an attack then red will attempt to move to a new node if ( current_turn_attack_info[action_count - 1]["Action"] == "no_possible_targets" ): current_turn_attack_info[action_count] = self.random_move() action_count += 1 # increments the day for the zero day if self.increment_day() all_attacking = [ node for l_nodes in list( map( lambda y: y["Attacking_Nodes"], filter( lambda x: x["Action"] not in self.non_attacking_actions, current_turn_attack_info.values(), ), ) ) for node in l_nodes ] all_target = [ node for l_nodes in list( map( lambda y: y["Target_Nodes"], filter( lambda x: x["Action"] not in self.non_attacking_actions, current_turn_attack_info.values(), ), ) ) for node in l_nodes ] all_success = [ node for l_nodes in list( map( lambda y: y["Successes"], filter( lambda x: x["Action"] not in self.non_attacking_actions, current_turn_attack_info.values(), ), ) ) for node in l_nodes ] self.network_interface.update_stored_attacks( all_attacking, all_target, all_success ) return current_turn_attack_info