Provides an extended implementation of a TinyDB class as an ABC.
Makes use of uuid and locked values to ensure duplicates are not possible, and
locked files (system defaults) cannot be updated or removed.
.. versionadded:: 1.1.0
from __future__ import annotations
import os.path
from abc import ABC
from datetime import datetime
from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Final, List, Mapping, Optional, Union
from tabulate import tabulate
from tinydb import TinyDB
from tinydb.queries import QueryInstance
from tinydb.table import Document
from yawning_titan import DB_DIR
from yawning_titan.db.doc_metadata import DocMetadata, DocMetadataSchema
from yawning_titan.exceptions import YawningTitanDBCriticalError, YawningTitanDBError
_LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class YawningTitanDBSchema(ABC):
"""YawningTitanDBSchema ABC that is implemented by all schema classes."""
[docs]class YawningTitanDB:
"""An :py:class:`~abc.ABC` that implements and extends the :class:`~tinydb.database.TinyDB` query functions."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, root: Optional[Path] = None):
self._name: Final[str] = name
if root is not None:
self._path = root / f"{self._name}.json"
self._path = DB_DIR / f"{self._name}.json"
if not self._db_file_exist():
_LOGGER.info(f"New TinyDB .json file created: {self._path}")
self._db = TinyDB(self._path)
def __enter__(self, name: str):
return YawningTitanDB(name)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
[docs] def close(self):
"""Close the db."""
def _db_file_exist(self) -> bool:
Check whether the :class:`~tinydb.database.TinyDB` .json file exists.
:return: ``True`` if it does exist, otherwise ``False``.
return os.path.isfile(self._path)
def _update_doc_metadata(
doc: Mapping,
name: Optional[str],
description: Optional[str],
author: Optional[str],
) -> Mapping:
Add a name, description, author to a doc's metadata.
:param doc: A doc.
:param name: The doc name.
:param description: The doc description.
:param author: The docs author.
:return: The updated doc.
if "_doc_metadata" in doc:
if name:
doc["_doc_metadata"]["name"] = name
if description:
doc["_doc_metadata"]["description"] = description
if author:
doc["_doc_metadata"]["author"] = author
return doc
def _update_doc_updated_at_datetime(cls, doc: Mapping) -> Mapping:
Set the created_at field in _doc_metadata to the current datetime in iso format.
:param doc: A doc.
:return: The updated doc.
doc["_doc_metadata"]["updated_at"] = datetime.now().isoformat()
return doc
[docs] @classmethod
def is_locked(cls, doc: Mapping) -> bool:
Check whether a doc is locked for editing or not.
:param doc: A doc.
:return: ``True`` if the doc is locked, otherwise ``False``.
if "_doc_metadata" in doc:
return doc["_doc_metadata"]["locked"]
return False
def name(self) -> str:
"""The DB name."""
return self._name
def db(self) -> TinyDB:
"""The instance of :class:`~tinydb.database.TinyDB`."""
return self._db
[docs] def count(self, cond: Optional[QueryInstance] = None) -> int:
Count how many docs are in the db. Extends :class:`tinydb.table.Table.count`.
A :class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery` can be used to
filter the count.
:param cond: An optional :class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery`.
Has a default value of ``None``.
:return: The number of docs counted.
if cond:
return self.db.count(cond)
return len(self.db.all())
[docs] def all(self) -> List[Document]:
"""A wrapper for :func:`tinydb.table.Table.all`."""
return self.db.all()
[docs] def show(self, verbose=False):
Show details of all entries in the db.
:param verbose: If True, all doc metadata details are shown,
otherwise just the name is shown.
docs = self.all()
rows = []
headers = []
keys = ["name", "author", "locked", "uuid"]
for doc in docs:
d = {key: doc["_doc_metadata"].get(key) for key in keys}
row = list(d.values())
headers = list(d.keys())
if not verbose:
row = [row[0]]
headers = [headers[0]]
print(tabulate([headers] + rows, headers="firstrow"))
[docs] def get(self, uuid: str) -> Union[Document, None]:
Get a doc from its uuid.
:param uuid: A uuid.
:return: The matching doc if it exists, otherwise ``None``.
:raise: :class:`~yawning_titan.exceptions.YawningTitanDBCriticalError`
when the search returns multiple docs with the same uuid.
results = self.db.search(DocMetadataSchema.UUID == uuid)
if results:
if len(results) == 1:
return results[0]
msg = (
f"Get from the {self._name} db with uuid='{uuid}' aborted as multiple docs with the uuid "
f"exist. The '{self._path}' db file is corrupted."
raise YawningTitanDBCriticalError(msg)
except YawningTitanDBCriticalError as e:
_LOGGER.critical(msg, exc_info=True)
raise e
[docs] def search(self, cond: QueryInstance) -> List[Document]:
"""A wrapper for :func:`tinydb.table.Table.search`."""
results = self.db.search(cond)
return results
[docs] def insert(
doc: Mapping,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
author: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Document:
An extension of :func:`tinydb.table.Table.insert`.
If a doc doesn't have DocMetadata, the default DocMetadata is set.
If a doc already exists with the same uuid, the insert is blocked and
a :class:`~yawning_titan.exceptions.YawningTitanDBCriticalError` is
raised alongside a log as ``CRITICAL`` level, as this would indicate
db file is corrupted.
:param doc: A doc.
:param name: The doc name.
:param description: The doc description.
:param author: The docs author.
:return: The inserted doc.
:raise: :class:`~yawning_titan.exceptions.YawningTitanDBCriticalError`
when a doc already exists with the same uuid.
if "_doc_metadata" not in doc:
doc["_doc_metadata"] = DocMetadata()
# Check for existing uuid entry
uuid = doc["_doc_metadata"]["uuid"]
if self.get(uuid):
msg = (
f"Failed to insert doc into the {self._name} db with uuid='{uuid}' as one already exists. "
f"The '{self._path}' db file is corrupted."
raise YawningTitanDBCriticalError(msg)
except YawningTitanDBCriticalError as e:
_LOGGER.critical(msg, exc_info=True)
raise e
self._update_doc_metadata(doc, name, description, author)
if doc["_doc_metadata"]["locked"]:
uuid = doc["_doc_metadata"]["uuid"]
f"Doc inserted into the {self._name} db with uuid='{uuid}' was inserted as locked."
return self.get(doc["_doc_metadata"]["uuid"])
[docs] def update(
doc: Mapping,
uuid: str,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
author: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Document:
An extension of :func:`tinydb.table.Table.update`.
Performs a check that prevents locked files from being updated and raises
:class:`~yawning_titan.exceptions.YawningTitanDBError` alongside a log at
``INFO`` level.
:param doc: A doc.
:param uuid: The docs uuid.
:param name: The doc name.
:param description: The doc description.
:param author: The docs author.
:return: The updated doc.
:raise: :class:`~yawning_titan.exceptions.YawningTitanDBError` if
the doc is locked.
existing_doc = self.get(uuid)
if existing_doc and self.is_locked(existing_doc):
msg = f"Cannot update doc with uuid='{uuid}' in the {self._name} db as it is locked for editing."
raise YawningTitanDBError(msg)
except YawningTitanDBError as e:
raise e
self._update_doc_metadata(doc, name, description, author)
self.db.update(doc, cond=DocMetadataSchema.UUID == uuid)
return self.get(uuid)
[docs] def upsert(
doc: Mapping,
uuid: str,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
author: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Document:
A manual upsert method in place of :func:`tinydb.table.Table.upsert`.
If the docs uuid already exists, the args are passed to
:func:`yawning_titan.db.yawning_titan_db.YawningTitanDB.update` to
perform an update, otherwise they're passed to
:func:`~yawning_titan.db.yawning_titan_db.YawningTitanDB.insert` to
perform an insert. This is done to make use of the existing uuid and
locked file handling in the two methods.
:param doc: A doc.
:param uuid: The docs uuid.
:param name: The doc name.
:param description: The doc description.
:param author: The docs author.
:return: The updated doc.
existing_doc = self.get(uuid)
if existing_doc:
# Attempt to update
return self.update(doc, uuid, name, description, author)
# Insert
return self.insert(doc, name, description, author)
[docs] def remove_by_cond(self, cond: QueryInstance) -> List[str]:
Remove documents that match a query.
:param cond: A:class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery`.
:return: The list of uuids from documents removed.
results = self.search(cond)
removed_uuids = []
for doc in results:
uuid = doc["_doc_metadata"]["uuid"]
removed_uuid = self.remove(uuid)
if removed_uuid:
return removed_uuids
[docs] def remove(self, uuid: str) -> Union[str, None]:
Remove a document with a given _doc_metadata.uuid.
:param uuid: A documents _doc_metadata.uuid.
:return: The uuid of the removed document.
:raises: :class:`~yawning_titan.exceptions.YawningTitanDBCriticalError`
when there is more than one doc with the same uuid to remove.
:class:`~yawning_titan.exceptions.YawningTitanDBError` when
an attempt to remove a locked doc is made.
doc = self.db.search(DocMetadataSchema.UUID == uuid)
if doc:
if len(doc) > 1:
msg = (
f"Removal of a doc from the {self._name} db with uuid='{uuid}' aborted as multiple docs with "
f"the uuid exist. The '{self._path}' db file is corrupted."
raise YawningTitanDBCriticalError(msg)
except YawningTitanDBError as e:
_LOGGER.critical(msg, exc_info=True)
raise e
doc = doc[0]
if "_doc_metadata" in doc:
if doc["_doc_metadata"]["locked"]:
msg = (
f"Aborted removal of doc with uuid='{uuid}' from the {self._name} db as it is locked "
f"for removal."
raise YawningTitanDBError(msg)
except YawningTitanDBError as e:
raise e
self.db.remove(cond=DocMetadataSchema.UUID == uuid)
return uuid
return None