Source code for yawning_titan.db.query

"""The :mod:`~yawning_titan.db.query` module provides a Yawning-Titan extension to :class:`tinydb.queries.Query`."""
from __future__ import annotations

from tinydb import Query
from tinydb.queries import QueryInstance

[docs]class YawningTitanQuery(Query): """ The :class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery` class extends :class:`tinydb.queries.Query`. Extended to provide common pre-defined test functions that call :func:`tinydb.queries.Query.test`, rather than forcing the user to build a function/lambda function each time and pass it to test. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def len_eq(self, i: int) -> QueryInstance: """Tests the length of a field. This could be the length of a string or an array field. Fields whose length matches ``i`` are returned in the search. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB >>> from yawning_titan.db.query import YawningTitanQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>> :param i: The target length of a field as an int. :return: ``True`` if the field length matches ``i``, otherwise ``False``. :raises TypeError: When the field :func:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery.len_eq` is called on does not have a :func:`len` function. """ def test_len(val, i): try: return len(val) == i except TypeError: return False return self.test(test_len, i)
[docs] def len_lt(self, i: int) -> QueryInstance: """Tests the length of a field. This could be the length of a string or an array field. Fields whose length is less than ``i`` are returned in the search. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB >>> from yawning_titan.db.query import YawningTitanQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>> :param i: The target length of a field as an int. :return: ``True`` if the field length is less than ``i``, otherwise ``False``. :raises TypeError: When the field :func:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery.len_lt` is called on does not have a :func:`len` function. """ def test_len(val, i): try: return len(val) < i except TypeError: return False return self.test(test_len, i)
[docs] def len_le(self, i: int) -> QueryInstance: """Tests the length of a field. This could be the length of a string or an array field. Fields whose length is less than or equal to ``i`` are returned in the search. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB >>> from yawning_titan.db.query import YawningTitanQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>> :param i: The target length of a field as an int. :return: ``True`` if the field length is less than or equal to ``i``, otherwise ``False``. :raises TypeError: When the field :func:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery.len_lt` is called on does not have a :func:`len` function. """ def test_len(val, i): try: return len(val) <= i except TypeError: return False return self.test(test_len, i)
[docs] def len_gt(self, i: int) -> QueryInstance: """Tests the length of a field. This could be the length of a string or an array field. Fields whose length is greater than ``i`` are returned in the search. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB >>> from yawning_titan.db.query import YawningTitanQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>> :param i: The target length of a field as an int. :return: ``True`` if the field length is greater than ``i``, otherwise ``False``. :raises TypeError: When the field :func:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery.len_lt` is called on does not have a :func:`len` function. """ def test_len(val, i): try: return len(val) > i except TypeError: return False return self.test(test_len, i)
[docs] def len_ge(self, i: int) -> QueryInstance: """Tests the length of a field. This could be the length of a string or an array field. Fields whose length is greater than or equal to ``i`` are returned in the search. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB >>> from yawning_titan.db.query import YawningTitanQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>> :param i: The target length of a field as an int. :return: ``True`` if it does exist, otherwise ``False``. if the field length is greater than or equal to ``i``, otherwise ``False``. :raises TypeError: When the field :func:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery.len_lt` is called on does not have a :func:`len` function. """ def test_len(val, i): try: return len(val) >= i except TypeError: return False return self.test(test_len, i)
[docs] def len_bt(self, i: int, j: int) -> QueryInstance: """Tests the length of a field. This could be the length of a string or an array field. Fields whose length is greater than or equal to ``i`` are returned in the search. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB >>> from yawning_titan.db.query import YawningTitanQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>>,18))) :param i: The minimum length of a field as an int. :param j: The maximum length of a field as an int. :return: ``True`` if it does exist, otherwise ``False``. if the field length is greater than or equal to ``i`` and less than or equal to ``j``, otherwise ``False``. :raises TypeError: When the field :func:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery.len_bt` is called on does not have a :func:`len` function. """ def test_len(val, i, j): try: return len(val) >= i and len(val) <= j except TypeError: return False return self.test(test_len, i, j)
[docs] def bt(self, i: int, j: int) -> QueryInstance: """Tests the value of a field. This could be the value of a string or an array field. Fields whose value is greater than or equal to ``i`` are returned in the search. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.networks.network_db import NetworkDB >>> from yawning_titan.db.query import YawningTitanQuery >>> db = NetworkDB() >>>,18))) :param i: The minimum value of a field as an int. :param j: The maximum value of a field as an int. :return: ``True`` if it does exist, otherwise ``False``. if the field value is greater than or equal to ``i`` and less than or equal to ``j``, otherwise ``False``. :raises TypeError: When the field :func:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery.len_bt` is called on does not have a :func:`len` function. """ def test_val(val, i, j): try: return val >= i and val <= j except TypeError: return False return self.test(test_val, i, j)