Source code for yawning_titan.db.compatibility_query

from typing import Optional, Union

from tinydb import Query
from tinydb.queries import QueryInstance

from import Network

[docs]def check_element(el_dict: dict, n: int, include_unbounded: bool): """Check that a restrict-able element is suitable for a given value. I.e the value lies in a given range. :param el_dict: The dictionary representing of a ConfigGroup related to a range restricted element :param n: The target value of a field as a Network. :param include_unbounded: Whether to include fields where part of the range is unbounded. :return: A boolean representing of the element is suited for a particular value. """ n = 0 if not n else n if ( n < 0 or not isinstance(el_dict, dict) or not all(k in el_dict for k in ["min", "max", "restrict"]) ): return False if not el_dict["restrict"]: return True check_min = False if el_dict["min"] is None: if include_unbounded: check_min = True elif n >= el_dict["min"]: check_min = True check_max = False if el_dict["max"] is None: if include_unbounded: check_max = True elif n <= el_dict["max"]: check_max = True return check_min and check_max
[docs]class EntryNodeCompatibilityQuery(Query): """ The :class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery` class extends :class:`tinydb.queries.Query`. Extended to provide common pre-defined test functions that call :func:`tinydb.queries.Query.test`, These functions are specific to the compatibility of :class: `~yawning_titan.game_modes.game_mode.GameMode` and :class: `` objects. """
[docs] def works_with( self, n: Union[int, Network], include_unbounded: Optional[bool] = False ) -> QueryInstance: """Tests the game mode can work with a network with the parameter with a value of ``n``. Fields whose value is either unrestricted or where ``n`` is in the specified range are returned in the search. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.game_modes.game_mode_db import GameModeDB >>> from yawning_titan.db.query import YawningTitanQuery >>> db = GameModeDB() >>> :param n: The target value of a field as an int or an instance of :class: ``. :param include_unbounded: Whether to include fields where part of the range is unbounded. :return: ``True`` if it does exist, otherwise ``False``. """ if isinstance(n, Network): n = len(n.entry_nodes) if n.entry_nodes else n.num_of_random_entry_nodes def test_works_with(val, n, include_unbounded): return check_element(val, n, include_unbounded) return self.test(test_works_with, n, include_unbounded)
[docs]class HighValueNodeCompatibilityQuery(Query): """ The :class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery` class extends :class:`tinydb.queries.Query`. Extended to provide common pre-defined test functions that call :func:`tinydb.queries.Query.test`, These functions are specific to the compatibility of :class: `~yawning_titan.game_modes.game_mode.GameMode` and :class: `` objects. """
[docs] def works_with( self, n: Union[int, Network], include_unbounded: Optional[bool] = False ) -> QueryInstance: """Tests the game mode can work with a network with the parameter with a value of ``n``. Fields whose value is either unrestricted or where ``n`` is in the specified range are returned in the search. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.game_modes.game_mode_db import GameModeDB >>> from yawning_titan.db.query import YawningTitanQuery >>> db = GameModeDB() >>> :param n: The target value of a field as an int or an instance of :class: ``. :param include_unbounded: Whether to include fields where part of the range is unbounded. :return: ``True`` if it does exist, otherwise ``False``. """ if isinstance(n, Network): n = ( len(n.high_value_nodes) if n.high_value_nodes else n.num_of_random_high_value_nodes ) def test_works_with(val, n, include_unbounded): return check_element(val, n, include_unbounded) return self.test(test_works_with, n, include_unbounded)
[docs]class NetworkNodeCompatibilityQuery(Query): """ The :class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery` class extends :class:`tinydb.queries.Query`. Extended to provide common pre-defined test functions that call :func:`tinydb.queries.Query.test`, These functions are specific to the compatibility of :class: `~yawning_titan.game_modes.game_mode.GameMode` and :class: `` objects. """
[docs] def works_with( self, n: Union[int, Network], include_unbounded: Optional[bool] = False ) -> QueryInstance: """Tests the game mode can work with a network with the parameter with a value of ``n``. Fields whose value is either unrestricted or where ``n`` is in the specified range are returned in the search. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.game_modes.game_mode_db import GameModeDB >>> from yawning_titan.db.query import YawningTitanQuery >>> db = GameModeDB() >>> :param n: The target value of a field as an int or an instance of :class: ``. :param include_unbounded: Whether to include fields where part of the range is unbounded. :return: ``True`` if it does exist, otherwise ``False``. """ if isinstance(n, Network): n = len(n.nodes) def test_works_with(val, n, include_unbounded): return check_element(val, n, include_unbounded) return self.test(test_works_with, n, include_unbounded)
[docs]class NetworkCompatibilityQuery(Query): """ The :class:`~yawning_titan.db.query.YawningTitanQuery` class extends :class:`tinydb.queries.Query`. Extended to provide common pre-defined test functions that call :func:`tinydb.queries.Query.test`, These functions are specific to the compatibility of :class: `~yawning_titan.game_modes.game_mode.GameMode` and :class: `` objects. """
[docs] def compatible_with( self, n, include_unbounded: Optional[bool] = True ) -> QueryInstance: """Tests the game mode can work with a specified network ``n``. Fields where all network parameter restrictions are satisfied or unrestricted are returned in the search. :Example: >>> from yawning_titan.game_modes.game_mode_db import GameModeDB >>> from yawning_titan.db.query import YawningTitanQuery >>> db = GameModeDB() >>> :param n: The target value of a field as an instance of :class: ``. :param include_unbounded: Whether to include fields where part of the range is unbounded. :return: ``True`` if it does exist, otherwise ``False``. """ def test_compatible_with(val: dict, n: Network, include_unbounded): if ( not isinstance(val, dict) or not isinstance(n, Network) or not all( k in val for k in ["entry_node_count", "high_value_node_count", "node_count"] ) ): return False mapper = { "entry_node_count": len(n.entry_nodes) if n.entry_nodes else n.num_of_random_entry_nodes, "high_value_node_count": len(n.high_value_nodes) if n.high_value_nodes else n.num_of_random_high_value_nodes, "node_count": len(n.nodes), } results = [ check_element(e, mapper[k], include_unbounded) for k, e in val.items() ] return all(results) return self.test(test_compatible_with, n, include_unbounded)