Source code for yawning_titan.agents.simple_blue

import logging
from typing import List

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SimpleBlue: """An interface capable of training a reinforcement learning agent in the `specific` environments."""
[docs] def __init__(self, n_machines=None): self.n_machines = n_machines
[docs] def patch_machines(self, action: int, machine_states: List[List[float]]): """ Patch a target machine and reduce its vulnerability score. This action reduces a target machines vulerability score by 0.2 per use to a lower threshold of 0.2. Args: action: The chosen action machine_states: The current state of the env """ if machine_states[action][1] == 1: pass elif machine_states[action][0] < 0.39: machine_states[action][0] = 0.2 else: machine_states[action][0] -= 0.2
[docs] def recover_machines( self, action: int, machine_states: List[List[float]], initial_states: List[List[float]], ): """ Recover a compromised machine and resets its state to the initial state during environment creation. Args: action: The chosen action machine_states: The current state of the env initial_states: The first state of the environment when initialised/reset """ machine_states[action][0] = initial_states[action][0] machine_states[action][1] = initial_states[action][1]
[docs] def nothing(self, action: int): """Do nothing - a noop in other reinforcement learning papers.""" pass
[docs] def do_blue_action( self, action: int, machine_states: List[List[float]], initial_states: List[List[float]], ): """ Perform the chosen action. Args: action: The chosen action to perform machine_states: The state of the current env initial_states: The state of the env initially """ if 0 <= action <= self.n_machines - 1: # Blue Agent takes Patch Action self.patch_machines(action, machine_states) logger.debug(f"Blue Team: Patched - Used {action}") elif self.n_machines <= action <= (self.n_machines * 2) - 1: # Blue Agent takes Recover Action self.recover_machines( action - self.n_machines, machine_states, initial_states ) logger.debug(f"Blue Team: Recovered - Used {action}") elif action == self.n_machines * 2: # Blue Agent takes Nothing Action self.nothing(action) logger.debug(f"Blue Team: Did Nothing - Used {action}")