Source code for yawning_titan.agents.nsa_red

import logging
import random
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NSARed: """ Provides the red agent behaviour within the `18-node-def` environment. The agent is a loose replication of: """
[docs] def __init__( self, skill: float, action_set: List, action_probabilities: List, node_set: List, zd_start_amount: int = 0, zd_gain: int = 0, zd_required: int = 10, ): self.skill = skill self.action_set = action_set self.action_probabilities = action_probabilities self.node_set = node_set self.zd_amount = zd_start_amount self.zg_gain = zd_gain self.zd_required = zd_required self.zd_current_day = 0
[docs] def update_node_set(self, nodes: List[int]): """ Update the set of nodes the agent can act upon. Args: nodes: A list containing the nodes """ self.node_set = nodes
[docs] def update_actions(self, actions: List[str], probabilities: List[float]): """ Update the set of actions and the corresponding probabilities. Args: actions: the new set of actions the agent can take probabilities: the weights associated with the actions """ self.action_set = actions self.action_probabilities = probabilities
[docs] def choose_node(self) -> int: """ Choose a node to act on. Returns: The node to act on """ node = random.choices(self.node_set)[0] return node
[docs] def choose_action(self) -> str: """ Choose an action to perform. Returns: The action to perform on """ action = random.choices(self.action_set, weights=self.action_probabilities)[0] return action
[docs] def update_location(self, target: int, red_current_node: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Update the current location of the red agent. Args: target: the location to move to red_current_node: red agents current node Returns: Reds previous node The node red is currently in """ red_previous_node = red_current_node red_current_node = target return red_previous_node, red_current_node
[docs] def increment_day(self): """ Increment the day related to zero day development. If the day has reached a threshold for a zero day then add 1 to the number of available zero days. """ if self.zd_current_day == self.zd_required: self.zd_amount += 1 self.zd_current_day = 0 else: self.zd_current_day += 1
[docs] def check_zd_available(self) -> bool: """ Check if a zero day is available . Returns: True if a zero day is available to use False if no zero day is available to use """ if self.zd_amount > 0: self.zd_amount -= 1 return True else: return False
[docs] def zd_attack(self, target: int, args: Tuple[List[List[float]], int, int, bool]): """ Perform a zd attack on a targetted node. Args: target: the target node args: A tuple containing: * "machine_states": the current state of the machines * "red_current_node": the red agents current node * "able_to_move": if the red agent is able to move """ # extracts args [machine_states, red_current_node, _, able_to_move] = args machine_states[target][1] = 1 logger.debug(f"Red Team: Zero Day Used on {target + 1}") if able_to_move: self.update_location(target, red_current_node)
[docs] def basic_attack(self, target: int, args: Tuple[List[List[float]], int, int, bool]): """ Perform a basic attack on a targetted node. Args: target: The target node args: A tuple containing: * "machine_states": the current state of the machines * "skill_level": The skill level of the attack * "attack_success_threshold": A threshold to determine if the attack succeeds * "red_current_node": The current position of the red agent * "able_to_move": if the red agent is able to move """ [ machine_states, red_current_node, attack_success_threshold, able_to_move, ] = args # Calculate Attack power based on skill level and target vulnerability score/ attack = (self.skill * machine_states[target][0]) / 100 logger.debug(f"Red Attack Power: {attack}") # If Attack Power greater than ATTACK_SUCCESS_THRESHOLD, compromise machine if attack >= attack_success_threshold: machine_states[target][1] = 1 # Compromised logger.debug(f"Red Team: {attack} on target {target + 1} - SUCCESS") if able_to_move: self.update_location(target, red_current_node) else: # If Attack Power below ATTACK_SUCCESS_THRESHOLD, attack failed logger.debug(f"Red Team: {attack} on target {target + 1} - FAILED")
[docs] def move(self, target: int, args: Tuple[List[List[float]], int, int, bool]): """ Move the red agent from one node to another. Args: target: the node the agent is moving to args: A tuple containing the following: * "red_current_node": the current node of the agent * "able_to_move": if the agent is able to move """ [_, red_current_node, _, able_to_move] = args if able_to_move: logger.debug(f"Red Team: Moved to target {target + 1}") self.update_location(target, red_current_node)
[docs] def spread(self, state, args: Tuple[float, float]): """ Attempt to spread to all nodes connected to a compromised node. Args: state: the current state of the environment args: A tuple containing: * "chance_to_spread": the chance to spread from one node to another * "chance_to_randomly_compromise": chance to randomly infect a node """ [chance_to_spread, _] = args logger.debug("Red Action: SPREAD") compromised_nodes = state.get_compromised_nodes() # runs through all of the compromised nodes for i in compromised_nodes: connected = state.get_connected_nodes(i) for j in connected: # tries to spread to every connected node chance = random.randint(0, 100) if chance < chance_to_spread * 100: state.modify_node(j, [False, 2]) logger.debug(f"Spread from: {i} to {j}")
[docs] def intrude(self, state, args: Tuple[float, float]): """ Attempt to randomly intrude every uncompromised node. Args: state: the current state of the environment args: A tuple containing: * "chance_to_spread": the chance to spread from one node to another * "chance_to_randomly_compromise": chance to randomly infect a node """ [_, chance_to_randomly_compromise] = args logger.debug("Red Action: RANDOM INTRUSION") uncompromised_nodes = state.get_un_compromised_nodes() # tries to compromise every un-compromised node for i in uncompromised_nodes: chance = random.randint(0, 100) if chance < chance_to_randomly_compromise * 100: state.modify_node(i, [False, 2]) logger.debug(f"Compromised: {i}")
[docs] def do_action( self, nodes: Union[Union[List[int], int], "NodeCollection"], # noqa action: str, args: Union[List[float], Tuple[List[List[int]], int, bool]], ): """ Perform the selected action on the given target nodes. Args: nodes: the nodes to perform the action on action: the action to perform 0* - actions for the 5 node env 1* - actions for the new node env args: any parameters needed to perform the action """ dispatch = { "00": self.zd_attack, "01": self.basic_attack, "02": self.move, "10": self.spread, "11": self.intrude, } # args: 0: machine_states, 1: red_current_node, 2: attack_sucsess_threshold, 3: able_to_move # args: spread, random infect dispatch[action](nodes, args)