Source code for yawning_titan.agents.keyboard

import time

from yawning_titan.envs.generic.generic_env import GenericNetworkEnv

[docs]class KeyboardAgent: """ A means for a human player to play the YAWNING-TITAN simulation. The keyboard agent provides a basic means for a human player to play the YAWNING-TITAN simulation. An example of using this class can be found within the `notebooks/Creating and playing as a Keyboard Agent.ipynb` """
[docs] def __init__(self, env: GenericNetworkEnv): self.env = env print("Welcome to the Yawning-Titan Keyboard Agent game!") print("") print("Playing With:") print(f" Network: {}") print(f" Game Mode: {}") print("") print( "When selecting an option, enter the integer key provided and " "not the string value." ) print("") print("The game will begin in 3...") time.sleep(1) print("The game will begin in 2...") time.sleep(1) print("The game will begin in 1...") time.sleep(1)
[docs] def get_move_set(self): """ Return the action set mapped to action numbers. Get the action set for the given environment and map it to the action numbers used by the open AI gym env. Returns: An action mask for top level actions to the first action number in the environment. A full dictionary of all the actions that can be taken. The action number where the standard actions start (actions that can be applied to every node). The number of standard actions """ network_interface = self.env.network_interface settings = network_interface.game_mode full_action_dict = {} top_level_action_mask = {} actions = 0 standard_actions = 0 # checks the settings for the currently active blue actions if # If the actions are active then creates a map using dictionaries between # the AI gym action number and the # action name and any sub actions that this action has edge_list = network_interface.edge_map.values() full_action_dict["add_deceptive_node"] = edge_list top_level_action_mask["add_deceptive_node"] = actions actions += len(edge_list) standard_actions += len(edge_list) if full_action_dict["scan"] = None top_level_action_mask["scan"] = actions actions += 1 standard_actions += 1 if full_action_dict["do_nothing"] = None top_level_action_mask["do_nothing"] = actions actions += 1 standard_actions += 1 node_list = [ "Node " + str(i) for i in network_interface.current_graph.get_nodes() ] if full_action_dict["reduce_vulnerability"] = node_list top_level_action_mask["reduce_vulnerability"] = actions actions += 1 if full_action_dict["restore_node"] = node_list top_level_action_mask["restore_node"] = actions actions += 1 if full_action_dict["make_node_safe"] = node_list top_level_action_mask["make_node_safe"] = actions actions += 1 if full_action_dict["isolate"] = node_list top_level_action_mask["isolate"] = actions actions += 1 if full_action_dict["connect"] = node_list top_level_action_mask["connect"] = actions actions += 1 number_standard_actions = actions - standard_actions return ( top_level_action_mask, full_action_dict, standard_actions, number_standard_actions, )
[docs] def play(self, render_graphically: bool = True): """ Play the game as a keyboard agent. Allows the user to select an action using the console and displays the effect of the action on the environment. Args: render_graphically: If True render using the matplotlib renderer, if False display if state of the environment in the console. """ done = False notes = {} # Runs until the game has been won while not done: # Gets the possible top level actions ( top, move_set, start_of_standard_actions, number_of_standard_actions, ) = self.get_move_set() possible_top_actions = list(top.keys()) print("") print("Current possible actions:") for counter, i in enumerate(possible_top_actions): # Displays the possible actions to the user print(f" {counter}) {i}") top_action_legal = False chosen_top_action = "" # If the user does not input a legal action then they are forced to retry # until they do while not top_action_legal: try: chosen_top_action = int(input("Chosen Action: ")) # Checks if the action is legal if chosen_top_action in [ i for i in range(len(possible_top_actions)) ]: top_action_legal = True else: # Informs the user if they input an invalid action print(f"Invalid Input Entered ({chosen_top_action})") except ValueError: print(f"Invalid Input Entered ({chosen_top_action})") # Checks if there are any secondary actions for this chosen top action secondary_actions = move_set[possible_top_actions[chosen_top_action]] chosen_secondary_action = -1 if secondary_actions is not None: # Prints out all of the possible secondary actions print(" Action Location:") for counter, i in enumerate(secondary_actions): print(f" {counter}) {i}") secondary_action_legal = False chosen_secondary_action = "" while not secondary_action_legal: # Runs until the user inputs a legal action try: chosen_secondary_action = int(input(" Chosen Location: ")) if chosen_secondary_action in [ i for i in range(len(secondary_actions)) ]: secondary_action_legal = True else: print(f"Invalid Input Entered ({chosen_secondary_action})") except ValueError: print(f"Invalid Input Entered ({chosen_secondary_action})") print("") # calculates the final action number final_action = top[possible_top_actions[chosen_top_action]] if chosen_secondary_action != -1: if final_action >= start_of_standard_actions: final_action += chosen_secondary_action * number_of_standard_actions else: final_action += chosen_secondary_action print(final_action) # steps the environment 1 step forward using the chosen blue action obs, rew, done, notes = self.env.step(final_action) if notes["blue_action"] != possible_top_actions[chosen_top_action]: if not ( notes["blue_action"] == "do_nothing" and possible_top_actions[chosen_top_action] == "add_deceptive_node" ): raise EnvironmentError( "Action selected was not the action taken by the environment" ) # renders the environment to show the effect of the action and the red # agents turn if render_graphically: self.env.render(show_only_blue_view=True, show_node_names=True) else: for node, state in notes["end_blue_view"].items(): print("Node: ", node, " State: ", state) print("") # checks if the red or blue agent won if ( self.env.current_duration == self.env.network_interface.game_mode.game_rules.max_steps.value ): print("---Blue agent wins---") else: print("---Red agent wins---") print("") # Renders the final true state of the environment print("Final True State: ") if render_graphically: self.env.render() else: for node, state in notes["end_blue_view"].items(): print("Node: ", node, " State: ", state)