Source code for tests.integration_tests.env.test_five_node_def

import gym
import pytest
from stable_baselines3 import PPO
from stable_baselines3.ppo import MlpPolicy as PPOMlp

[docs]@pytest.mark.integration_test @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_machines", [10, 50, 16]) def test_n_machines(n_machines: int) -> None: """Test environment initialisation with a range of node sizes.""" env = gym.make("five-node-def-v0", n_machines=n_machines) assert env.n_machines == n_machines
[docs]@pytest.mark.integration_test @pytest.mark.parametrize( ( "n_machines", "attacker_skill", "attack_success_threshold", "no_compromised_machine_loss", ), ((10, 60, 0.5, 4), (5, 40, 0.2, 4), (15, 20, 0.9, 3)), ) def test_environment_init( n_machines: int, attacker_skill: int, attack_success_threshold: float, no_compromised_machine_loss: int, ) -> None: """ Test environment creation and value initialisation with a range of values. Args: n_machines: Number of machines to include within the environment attacker_skill: Red Attacker Skill level attack_success_threshold: Red Attack Success Threshold no_compromised_machine_loss: Number of machines that result in a blue loss """ env = gym.make( "five-node-def-v0", attacker_skill=attacker_skill, n_machines=n_machines, attack_success_threshold=attack_success_threshold, no_compromised_machine_loss=no_compromised_machine_loss, ) assert env.n_machines == n_machines assert env.total_rewards == 0 assert env.no_compromised_machine_loss == no_compromised_machine_loss assert env.no_compromised_machines == 0 assert env.total_rewards == 0 assert env.total_no_of_steps == 0 assert env.done is False assert len(env.machine_states) == n_machines for entry in env.machine_states: assert len(entry) == 2 assert env.attacker_skill == attacker_skill assert env.attack_success_threshold == attack_success_threshold assert env.uncompromised_nodes == n_machines assert env.compromised_nodes is None
[docs]@pytest.mark.integration_test def test_environment_reset() -> None: """Test environment reset and value initialisation.""" env = gym.make("five-node-def-v0") agent = PPO(PPOMlp, env, verbose=1) agent.learn(total_timesteps=1000) env.reset() assert env.n_machines == 5 assert env.total_rewards == 0 assert env.no_compromised_machine_loss == 4 assert env.no_compromised_machines == 0 assert env.total_rewards == 0 assert env.total_no_of_steps == 0 assert env.done is False