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IES Model version: 4.3.1


IES elements in this diagram:

The IES4 model has been developed using the OMG’s ontology definition meta-model (ODM) profile for UML. Whilst UML may be somewhat foreign to ontology developers, ODM seemed a reasonable compromise for presenting the model to both data architects and ontologists.

Notes for data modellers: Basic background reading on how to use RDF is the book “Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist”. Otherwise, things to watch out for in the UML are:

Notes for ontologists:

General notes on notation:

Model Change Log

v4 Beta 1 - Released September 2018 to IES team for internal review v4 Beta 2 - Released December 2018 to wider community for review, including some implementation trials v4.0.0 - FIRST OFFICIAL RELEASE - Changes resulting from initial release and trial implementations

v4.1.0 - Changes resulting from project engagements

v4.2.0 - Changes resulting from project engagements

v4.3.0 - Changes resulting from project engagements

  1. Added Stuff and Count pattern, including addition of:
  1. Added Replaceable Parts pattern, including addition of:
  1. Changes to Payloads and Groups pattern:
  1. Changes to Posts and Roles pattern:
  1. Changes to Assessment pattern:
  1. Changes to Location pattern:
  1. Changes to Where and When pattern:
  1. Changes to Asset pattern
  1. Changes to Communications Device pattern:
  1. Changes to Period of Time pattern:
  1. Changes to Disposition pattern:
  1. Changes to Amount of Money pattern:
  1. Changes to Online and Communication patterns covering Message. Message used to inherit from both OnlineEvent and Communication which didn’t make sense considering SMS is a subtype of Message. Changes included:
  1. IES 4.2 had ClassOfElements and subProperties of rdf:type which encouraged extending the IES classes via ClassOfElements hierarchy rather than the Elements hierarchy. IES 4.3 prunes some of classes (breaking changes) to discourage this behaviour and encourage one approach of extending IES. This approach is documented in “Extending IES4 2024-03-v1.0 O.pdf”. Pruned classes and properties include:
  1. Other changes:

v4.3.1 - License change from Apache 2 to MIT

IES Overview

IES Overview Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

The Information Exchange Standard is based on 6 key items which are subtypes of Thing:  


Relationships Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Relationships may exist between Things in IES - and can be used to assert anything from structural to legal connections between things. The concept of a relationship should be familiar to anyone who has looked at data model or ontology before. However, as IES4 is a 4D ontology, the relationships may only apply to a certain phase (state) of the Element - e.g. someone working for an Organisation for a period of time. Unlike attributes, the majority of relationships fall into this category. There are exceptions, such as being the sibling of someone (it’s for life for both of them) but it turns out the majority are temporal. Like attributes, we create a State of the Entity instance in question and then attach the relationship to the State.

In the example below, Fred has always been Barry’s sibling and will continue to be whilst they both exist so there is no need for a State. In the second relationship, Fred worked for Acme since 5th December 2011, and is still working there because there is no end date.

Note: in the example below, Fred still works for Acme. But if Fred had left Acme, and we didn’t know when, the end BoundingState should be created to show the Employed state had ended, even though there is no associated PeriodOfTime

Period of Time

Period of Time Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Periods of time are Elements in a 4D ontology. They can be treated like any other element -e.g. assembled with isPartOf relationships. This is the big advantage to a 4D ontology - time is treated the same way as space, which allows complex temporal logic information to be expressed using very simple constructs.

IES also allows a duration to specified even when the precise start and end are not known - e.g. we can specify a meeting lasted an hour and took place on a particular day, but we don’t know what time it began and ended.

Note: to prevent duplicate periods being created, the uri of each period should reflect the ISO8601 datetime in Coordinated Universal Time (encoded without punctuation). So for example, the uri for January 2008 would be For ParticularPeriod, this is fairly simple. For PeriodOfTime, the ISO8601 encoding for the period should be used.

In the first example below, we show that Fred began working for Acme in 2011, and that we know he left Acme, and we’re not sure of the day he left, but it was before 2016-05-07.

Technically, a PeriodOfTime is all of space, for a specific (or recurring) period (see the second example below; a space-time diagram which has 3 particular days, and a recurring 1 minute period, every day):

Where and When

Where and When Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Because IES4 is a 4D ontology, time and space (in fact spacetime) are handled in the same way*. If something happens entirely within a location, it is part of that location. If a person walks through a location, there is a state of them that is part of that location. Similarly, if something happens in a particular period of time, it is part of that period of time. IES4 specifies subproperties of the isPartOf relationship with slightly more intuitive names; inLocation, happensIn, takesPlaceIn, inPeriod, etc.

States are a key feature in all of this. States are special kinds of parts (in 4D) that are all of the space for some of the time - e.g. you yesterday, you today. They form the basis for temporal properties, participations, etc.

* Space is a relative thing - you may move around relative to other things, but the whole-life you is a single Entity instance. There are states of the that whole-life Entity that are part of different Locations though.

Start and End

Start and End Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

The starts and ends of Elements can be modelled using BoundingStates. A BoundingState can be connected to the Element via an isStartOf or and isEndOf relationship to indicate whether it begins or ends the Element.

There are some special cases of BoundingStates such as BirthState, Departure, etc.

The use of BoundingStates in combination with the after relationship allow complex temporal logic to be expressed using very simple constructs - e.g. Elements starting before others, ending before others, etc.

Event Linkages

Event Linkages Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

IES 3 introduced the concept of EventLinkage - associations between Events. As of v3.2 of IES, few of these EventLinkages had been specified and those that had were covered by relationships in v4 - isPartOf and after.

The example below shows two football matches that were part of the World Cup in 2018, and the fact that one happened (i.e. started and finished) before the other.

For more complex temporal logic, such as an Event starting before another one, the after relationship can be used between BoundingStates. In the example below, the Sweden vs England match started after the Russia V Croatia match

Event Participation

Event Participation Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Participation in Events is modelled in a similar way to temporal relationships. Just as with relationships, we care about the period of time that a participant (an Entity) was involved in an Event. A subtype of State (EventParticipant) connects the Entity to the Event.

This allows us to have many participants (Entities) in an Event, and for each of their participations to have a different start and end times. So, in the example below, we can see that Barry left the meeting after 12 minutes and that Vlad was only there for 2 of the 3 hours.

IES4 also has a subtype of EventParticipant called ActiveEventParticipant. Subtypes of this class are those participations where the participant is actively contributing to the event. Those participations that are not subtypes of ActiveEventParticipant are assumed to be passive.

The Role construct for states is inherited by EventParticipant allowing more specific roles to be defined for the EventParticipant.


Sometimes Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

When modelling real world events, many models fail to distinguish between a specific Event or occurrence, and the more general case where something usually occurs. The 4D approach has an answer for this - temporally dissected states. These are like ordinary states, but are not contiguous in time. We also don’t have to identify the individual occurrences, we just have to say that there are occurrences.

This is particularly useful with locations. If we want to say a vehicle is usually in a location, we don’t want to have to identify every state of it when it was in that location. We can simply identify the collection of those temporally separated states, called a DiscontinuousState in IES 4. If we say that the DiscontinuousState of the car is in a location, we mean that all of the extent (which we haven’t explicitly called out) is part of the location.

At first glance, this may seem contrary to the BORO mantra about always identifying the spatio-temporal extent of Elements. However, what this does allow us to identify an extent that we know exists, but we don’t know the details. Like other States, we can identify the start and end times - e.g. saying a car usually parked in a particular location between one date and another.


Types Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

IES4 allows new types (classes, categories, sets, whatever you want to call them) to be exchanged in the data payload. To do this, we “push up” a type level using the powertype relationship which formally specifies that one class is the set of all possible subsets of the other (see wikipedia entry for “powerset” and “Cantor’s theorem”).

ClassOfEntity is explicitly specialised for use in representation and identifiers, but otherwise ClassOfEntity and ClassOfEvent replace the old GeneralConcept Entity in IES3.

Hierarchies of ClassOfElement can be built using the rdfs:subClassOf relationship. Instances of the ClassOfElement can be asserted using rdf:type. See example below:

Representation and Content

Representation and Content Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

IES distinguished between things in the real world and our representations of them. In this case, a Representation is not a PhysicalThing (see Document for the distinction). Representations may be documents, videos, blog text, etc. The represents relationship links Things to their Representations.

Sometimes it is important to establish arbitrary categories of Representation - such as “financial accounts”, “pictures of kittens” or “educational films”. ContentCategory is used to collect together all Representations of similar content.


Identifiers Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

IES4 distinguishes between things in the real world and representations of those things. The representation pattern allows any Thing to have multiple representations - e.g. a book about the Ministry Of Defence, the DUNS number for the Ministry Of Defence, etc.

Representations specialise into WorksOfDocumentation (see Document diagram in Entities section), Names, and Identifiers. Names and Identifiers belong to NamingSchemes - this allows us to give context when an Element has more than one Name or Identifier. NamingSchemes may be implemented in Systems and used by Organisations. This replaces the idea of EnterpriseIdentity and SystemIdentity in IES3

Characteristics and Measures

Characteristics and Measures Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

IES provides a basic set of classes for characteristics and measures. Characteristics are properties of Elements that are qualitative, Measures are quantitative. To support Measures, IES provides classes for all the SI units, a model for units of measure and an ability to specify measure ranges.

The key points about this model are that the Measure is separate from its representation so the same measure can have more than value with different units of measure (e.g. 1kg and 2.2lbs).

Characteristics and measures can be applied to an Element, or to a ClassOfElement in the case where all instances of the ClassOfElement share the same characteristic or measure - e.g. all London buses being red.

This model is new in IES 4.1 - previously, there was no consistent way to do this, but mostly it relied on attributes.


Disposition Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

A disposition is about an Element’s capability or tendency to do something or to exhibit a property. It may be that the Element has never actually done the thing it is capable of - e.g. an aircraft capable of Mach 2 but that has not yet flown that fast. Similarly, a Person may be assessed as having a tendency towards violence based just on what they say and threaten to do, but may not have actually been violent.

Dispositions are managed in IES using DispositionalClass - something that was also in the international IDEAS ontology where capability was a key concept they had to model. Dispositional classes collect together all Elements that share the same disposition (e.g. all aircraft capable of Mach 2).

Replaceable Parts

Replaceable Parts Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Understanding a thing’s parts can be straight-forward at any given time, however that is complicated by changes over time. For example, a car�s components, like its gearbox or tyres, can be replaced when worn. When we replace a car�s tyre, it remains the same car, just with a different tyre. BORO and 4D thinking clarifies this: the extent of the car contains a temporal part of one tyre followed by the temporal part of another tyre. At any one time, the car overlaps with only one tyre; but, over time, it overlaps with two tyres. The two tyres have InstalledStates that are parts of the car.

Sometimes it is useful to call out the enduring part of an Element e.g. the tyre of a car whichever actual tyre is installed at a given time. This is what we call a ReplaceablePart. A replaceable part can be substituted or exchanged without altering the overall identity or functionality. Moreover, the identity of a ReplaceablePart can survive periods when nothing fulfils its purpose or role, i.e. its existence is not necessarily continuous.

In IES, we instantiate this enduring, replaceable part as both a ReplaceablePart and the class of Element that is intended to be installed into it. For example, the replaceable tyre part of a car is instantiated as both a ReplaceablePart and a Tyre.

Stuff and Count

Stuff and Count Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

There are times where we want to talk about sets of elements without having to instantiate every individual element as an instance. Instead, we want to just provide a count of the members of the set e.g. the number of cars in the set parked at Acacia Avenue. Such sets are instances of FiniteClassOfElement where the count is provided using the attribute finiteMembershipCount.

In the illustrated example, to get the set of cars parked at Acacia Avenue, we create a subClassOf of the set of all parked cars, Parked. This gives us a specific subset of cars parked at Acacia Avenue at a time. This subclass is also an instance of FiniteClassOfElement allowing us to assign 57 as its finiteMembershipCount.

There are physically things in the world that are difficult to call out as separate individuals due to their high divisibility. For example, water in a swimming pool, sand on a beach or the walls and floors of a building. Stuff allows us to talk about these highly divisible or generally uncountable things.


Attributes Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Attributes can be applied to any Exchanged Item - Entities, Events and ClassOfEntity.

Attributes are RDF properties (actually, OWL datatype properties), typed by any XML Schema simple datatype - e.g. xsd:string, xsd:double, xsd:dateTime, etc. (refer to W3C XML Schema specification for complete list).

Attributes are not as widely used in IES4 as in IES3 where they were used for measures, identifiers and names. In IES4 they are only used for categorical statements - e.g. the purpose of a mission, the amount of currency, etc.

Source References

Source References Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

The IES3 Source Reference capability is maintained in IES4, but leverages the Representation pattern to achieve the same thing. The key relationship here is hasSourceReference which links the Representation (Document, DataObject, etc.) to the Thing it was the source for.

Representations can be assembled into structures using the inRepresentation relationship.

Note: As IES4 is modelled in RDF Schema, the data will be RDF (encoded as TTL, JSON, XML, etc.). Referring to relationships (i.e. triples) in RDF involves using the RDF reification pattern, so if sourceReferenceFor is to relate to an attribute or relationship then RDF reification is the approach that shall be used.

Payloads and Groups

Payloads and Groups Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

IES3 had the concept of an ExchangePayload object to which all the Things and Groups were attached. In reality, there was only ever one payload in a file, so in IES4, whilst the ExchangePayload class is kept, it is simply an object in the RDF file to which meta-data about the whole file can be attached. The concept of GroupOfItems is retained from IES3.

It is sometimes important to specify the origins (organisation, system, etc.) of certain information. This is achieved using the originator and originatingSystem which link rdf:Resources (i.e. anything) to their origin. These can be applied to GroupsOfItems also, but care must be taken not to put the same Thing in different GroupOfItem instances that have originator or originatingSystem properties linked to them. If the source of a relationship (triple) has to be specified, the originator and originatingSystem properties can be applied to rdf:Statement (see RDF documentation on reification).


Metadata Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

IES has classes for dealing with documents, and for dealing with representation of objects in a lot of different ways. However, when it comes to specifying meta-data about IES instances - e.g. who created, when it was created, etc. - the Dublin Code metadata standard is to be used.

The fact that IES has its own document referencing capability and Dublin Core may seem a little confusing. The example below attempts to clear this.


Amount of Money

Amount of Money Diagram

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This part of IES deals with specific amounts of a given currency


Assets Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Assets are Entities that are either man-made or whose extent is defined in such a way as to specify ownership - e.g. a parcel of real estate.

Communications Account

Communications Account Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Communications Accounts are new for IES4. In most online and telecoms scenarios, the account, who holds it, and who provides it are more important than the device or handset (which IES 4 majored on). CommunicationsAccount inherits much from the generic Account class, then adds a relationship to CommunicationsIdentifier.

Communications Device

Communications Device Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Devices are Assets that have been designed to perform one or more functions. IES then further sub-divides Device into System and CommunicationsDevice. A CommunicationsDevice is a self-contained device that acts as an endpoint for communication. A System is a collection of interacting Devices that together provide one or more functions. System components are generally removable / replacable.

Communications Identifier

Communications Identifier Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

CommunicationsIdentifiers identify Devices (actually DeviceState, as the identifier may change over time). The identifiers are usually managed in a CommunicationsAccount, and again, we use the State rather than the WholeLife CommunicationsAccount as CommunicationsIdentifiers can move from account to account.

Communications Identifier Range

Communications Identifier Range Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

A CommunicationsIdentifierRange is a CommunicationsIdentifier that specifies a group of identifiers for Devices.

Data Object

Data Object Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

A DataObject is a Representationt that may contain internal structure that can be exploited using bespoke tools and/or applications. DataObjects might be geoobjects, video files, audio files, etc.


Document Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

In IES 3 there was just “Document”, but it wasn’t clear if this referred to a specific, individual copy of a document, or just the document in general (of which there may be many copies). For example, it wasn’t clear if it was “my copy of War & Peace” or just “War and Peace”.

This has been rectified in IES4 and “Document” has been replaced by “Work of Documentation” (the general case) and “IndividualDocument” (a particular instance of a document). In the majority of cases, WorkOfDocumentation will be used, but where we care about a particular instance (e.g. forensics, evidence, historical interest, etc.) then IndividualDocument should be used. The IndividualDocument can be related to the WorkOfDocumentation it is an instance of using the “aCopyOf” property.

Financial Account

Financial Account Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Accounts are ways to collect together transactions and other related Events. A FinancialAccount is an Account that is used to manage financial transactions.

Identity Document

Identity Document Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

IdentityDocuments are IndividualDocuments that can be used to authenticate the identity of their bearers.


Location Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Locations are physical chunks of the earth (and usually the airspace above) - i.e. they are defined by their extent.

The model is intended to be used hierarchically - e.g. an Address should be part of (inLocation) a RegionOfCountry which should be part of (inLocation) a Country, etc.


Online Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

This diagram covers the online aspects of IES.


Organisation Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

This diagram covers the Organisation aspects of IES.

Posts and Roles

Posts and Roles Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Posts are parts of Organisations. A ResponsibleActor can be in post for a period of time - i.e. there is a state of the ResponsibleActor (InPost) that is part of the Post. Note that this is part of the Post, not a state of it, as there may be more than one ResponsibleActor in a given Post at the same time.

Roles are also defined. These are ClassOfStates that are used to categorise a given state in terms of it role.


PaymentArtefact Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

PaymentArtefacts are used in transactions, and also sometimes to identify people.


Person Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

This diagram covers people, and people pretending to be other people (aliases). Most personal attributes belong to a PersonState as they are things that can change throughout the Person’s life. The two whole-life properties that cannot changed are their ethnicity and their genetic gender.

Two special states are identified - birth and death which are bounding states for the whole life person and can be used to identify the location and date of birth.


Ticket Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Tickets are IndividualDocuments that authorise access to Events - e.g. travel and entertainment.


Vehicle Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

A means of transportation � e.g. car, aircraft, ship.

All Entities

All Entities Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:


Events Dear Boy, Events

Events Dear Boy, Events Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

An Event is an activity or incident involving one or more participants (i.e. Entities). The participating Entities are related to the Events via an EventParticipant subtype. To relate the EventParticipant to the Entity, use the isParticipationOf relationship. To relate the EventParticipation to the Event, use the isParticipantIn relationship. Rather than create sub-properties of these relationships for each type of EventParticipation, a simplified notation (UML Dependency - dashed line with arrow-head) is used in the Event diagrams to indicate the appropriate Events and Entities for each type of EventParticipation.

There are two key types of EventParticipant - Actor and ActedUpon. Actor relates a Person or Organisation to the Event they conduct. ActedUpon relates an Entity to the Event that has an effect upon them. These two EventParticipants generalise and replace a number of the participants specified in IES 3.x (see the specific Event subtypes for examples).

Locations of Events are handled with more precision in IES4. The happensIn relationship can be used to assert the encompassing Location for the whole Event - e.g. an arrest that takes place in Trafalgar Square. However, some Locations merely participate in the Event - e.g. departure and destination ports, weapon and target locations in attacks, etc. For this reason, happensIn should only be used when the Event takes place entirely within the envelope of the Location. This precision is necessary for interpreting Events in geo systems, timeline visualisations, etc.


Assessment Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

The Assessment pattern breaks away from the usual IES EventParticipant pattern slightly. There is still an event (AssessToBeTrue) and a participant (Assessor) but the thing that is being assessed isn’t necessarily a participant - it could be something intangible such as Class or relationship, so a simple owl:objectProperty is used to link the event to the thing that has been assessed to be true.

A high, medium, low rating must be provided for all assessments. Whilst it is realised that these values may have different meanings between various parties - e.g. medical, policing, intelligence, etc., there has to be some rough indicator, so hmlConfidence will have to be it.

A further (e.g. more specific) confidence indicator may also be provided. IES does not mandate how that confidence is measured.

This model also introduces (new to IES 4.1.0) the idea of a PossibleWorld (as used in ISO15926, IDEAS and Prof Matthew West’s guide to high quality data models). A PossibleWorld is a scenario - something that may are may not have occurred, and encompasses a number of events and entities that would have existed in that world. The likelihood of a PossibleWorld is defined using AssessToBeTrue.

In the example shown, there are three scenarios. In scenario 1, Fred is assessed to have carried out the hacking alone. In 2, Barry did it alone. In 3, they both did it. Vladimir has assessed the scenarios with HIGH MEDIUM and LOW confidence.


Authorisation Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

The Authorisation Model (added in v4.2 of IES) is about capturing the end-to-end authorisation process from request, through grant of authority to act, through to the actions that take place under that authority. The primary need for this model is in Police warrantry, though the model is general and can be used for other forms of authorisation.

The EndToEndAuthorisation is composed of (using isPartOf) the AuthorisationRequest and the GrantOfAuthority. Any other Events that occur under that authority should also be made part of the EndToEndAuthorisation - i.e. it encompasses not only the administration of the authorisation but also the actions that take place under it.

The request and grant events are linked to the AuthorisedEventClass (or classes) they authorise - e.g. requesting authorisation to travel would mean the travel EventClass is then related to AuthorisationRequest via a requestedActivityType relationship. It is usual for authorisations (esp. warrants) to be time-bounded. Hence, any AuthorisedEventClass will usually also be an instance of a TimeBoundedClass.


Observation Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

The Observation pattern specialises the EventParticipation pattern. There is an Event (activity) of Observation, in which one or more Entities can be involved as Observer. Elements (Events or Entities) also participate as the Observed role.

The use of the EventParticipation pattern allows for the locations of Observer and Observed to be different.


Agreement Diagram

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In IES4, Agreements are handled using a pattern of AgreementStages that form part of an EndToEndAgreement.

Disagreement and War

Disagreement and War Diagram

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IES3 listed disagreements and war in the event tables. IES4 has maintained these two concepts, making War a specialisation of Disagreement. There are two accompanying EventParticipations (inDisagreement and atWar) also.


Business Diagram

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The BusinessEvent model is really about Events that affect accounts - opening them, closing them and updating them. It also covers money transfers between FinancialAccounts.


Attendance Diagram

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The attendance model in IES4 introduces some new concepts form IES3 - Meeting and CheckIn. These events weren’t explicitly called out in IES3 - being colocated doesn’t necessarily mean people are meeting.


Communication Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

The Communication Event consists of two or more PartyInCommunication events - each being an “end” of the communcation. A PartyInCommunication may involve the participations of people, accounts or devices.

In the example shown, Fred calls Brenda (we know they were both on the call). We also know which phone Fred used, but we don’t know for Brenda, so all we can do is assume she has a US phone account that had a particular number.


Lifecycle Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Lifecycle Events cover the creation, modification and destruction of things.

Some of the roles originally in IES3 have been simplified in IES4 (see table at the bottom of the diagram)


OnlineEvent Diagram

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OnlineEvents are activities such as logging in, notifications, etc.


Criminal Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Criminal Activity covers any Event that involves breaking the law

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Diagram

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In IES3, law enforcement came under OperationalEvent, but has been separated out for IES4.


Operational Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Operational Events are conducted against targets (SubjectOfOperation). They specialise into IntelligenceOperations and MilitaryEvents.


Political Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

PoliticalEvents are Events that take place in local or national government, or in intergovernmental interactions.


Trade Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

TradeEvents cover the whole sales lifecycle from RFQ to delivery. Individual TradeEvents can be grouped into an EndToEndTransaction


Movement Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

The Travel model in IES4 is based on that from IES3, but combines the concepts on TravelService an Travel into one model. As a result of this merging, the model can appear somewhat daunting, but is really made up four basic concepts:

All the above can have Departure and Arrival states, and those states can be in a Location, and in a Period. Additionally, IES allows for the specification of the actual Vehicle used, and in the case of People in transit, whether a person was driving / piloting or was simply as passenger.

Overall, much like the rest of IES, this model has been designed to work with as much or as little detail as is available. The (moderately complex) example below shows Fred’s Journey to Los Angeles. The first leg is by car to Heathrow Airport, then by plane to LAX. We don’t know what happened to him after his arrival in LAX.

Travel Booking

Travel Booking Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

The booking of planned travel arrangements.

TravelBookings may include bookings for Flights, Ferry Crossings, Train Journeys (i.e Travel Services), and also Hotels, Hire Cars etc. when these have been modelled. These will be included on the booking as relationships to the appropriate other entities.

TravelBooking is currently an Entity though there is some debate as to whether it really should be an Event

All Events

All Events Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

The diagram below shows all the immediate subtypes of Event



Familial Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

Most of the familial relationships from IES3 end up being relationships in IES4 - in fact the blood relations end up being between whole-life Person entities as the relationship lasts for life. The one exception is Marriage which has been modelled as an EndToEndActivity due to its temporal nature and the fact that the “relationship” is bidirectional.


Interest Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

The interestedIn relationship links a ResponsibleActorState to something they are interested in (any Thing). The state is used, as people tend not to be interested in something for their whole lives.

GeneralConcepts are often the things of interest (e.g. football, finance, animal husbandry, etc.), but there may be Entities that are also of interest (e.g. a financier being interested in Vodafone plc)

Lifecycle Relationships

Lifecycle Relationships Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

All of the Lifecycle relationships from IES3 end up being EventParticipants in IES4

Mutual Understanding

Mutual Understanding Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

All of the Mutual Understanding relationships from IES3 end up being EventParticipants in IES4

Operational Part 1

Operational Part 1 Diagram

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Operational Part 2

Operational Part 2 Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:


Professional Diagram

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Social Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

The nearest an ontologist gets to Tinder


Structural Diagram

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The way that structural relationships handled (as defined in IES3) has changed in IES 4. Care must be taken in how these are used.  


Topological Diagram

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As with the Structural Relationships, Topological Relationships are handled differently in IES4 due to the criteria of identity (space and time - if “two things” occupy precisely the same space for the same period of time, they are the same thing and only one instance should be created).  

All Relationships

All Relationships Diagram

IES elements in this diagram:

All Elements


A Characteristic whose members are people who all share the same national or regional accent


An Entity that is the collection of all transactions between a provider and a customer


A BusinessEvent that an Account participates in


Relates a BankCard to the FinancialAccount which the card is issued against.


A PersonState when they hold an Account


An AccountState (and an EventParticipant) when an Account is involved in communicating.


The account number for the respective FinancialAccount.


The Organisation that provides the FinancialAccount


A temporal state of an Account


A ResponsibleActor’s role as the accused in a Prosecution


An rdf:type relationship that asserts a Document is a copy of WorkOfDocumentation

Note: Document instances are individual physical documents whereas WorkOfDocumentation is the general case of a document - e.g. “War and Peace” vs “my copy of War and Peace”


An EventParticipant where the participant is “actively” engaged in the Event.

Note: In BORO, EventParticipant would be “Involvement” and ActiveEventParticipant would be “Participation”.


An Entity that is capable of performing functions - i.e. actively participating in an Event.


A temporal state of an Actor


A Location that can be specified by a postal address


An EventParticipant where a FinancialAccount is administered


A relationship linking two Elements where one ends before the other starts


An AgreementStage which includes all the ongoing activities that conform to the agreement reached


A Name that is used to refer to an EndToEndAgreement.


An Event which is part of an EndToEndAgreement


A Vehicle that travels by air


A Port used for air travel


An rdfs:subClassOf relationship that asserts that all instances of a ClassOfElement share a particular Characteristic or Measure

e.g. all London buses being red, all heavyweight boxers weighing more than 200lbs


An rdfs:subClassOf relationship that asserts that all instances of a ClassOfElement share a disposition

e.g. all Eurofighters being cable of Mach 2


An Organisation made up of allies - these could be people or organisations, and the alliance may be quite loose.


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities where one is allied to the other.


The seat number associated with the ticket


The Length that is the distance above (or below in the case of negative numbers) the surface of the WGS84 spheroid of the respective Location


A specific amount of a given currency


The Measure of the stoichiometric quantity of substance (usually measured in moles)


A Relationship between two Person Entities that indicates one is and ancestor of the other

Note: was called “relative of” in IES 3.x, but was really only about ancestry, so is changed here.


The groups (if any) which the requesting user must be a member of in order to access the item. See the EDH specification for further details.

Allowable Values:

See EDH Standard


An Element whose extent is defined by being the shared overlap of two or more Elements


A PeriodOfTime for which is not delineated by a particular clock period - e.g. not a year, not a month, not a day, not an hour, etc. Instead it is one which is most clearly specified in terms of start and end that are ParticularPeriods.


The area over which the TravelCard is valid


London - Zone 1 London - All Zones


A LawEnforcement Event where a Person is arrested


A Person’s role when arrested


A Person’s role as arresting officer


A BoundingState that marks the end of a Movement event

The date/time of the arrival can be specified using the inPeriod relationship.


An owl:objectProperty that links an AssesToBeTrue to the rdfs:Resource that is assessed to be true.


A relationship that asserts two Things that may have been previously judged to be different are in fact the same thing.

WARNING: by “the same” we mean they occupy the same space for the same period of time - i.e. not two different things in the same place at different times, and not the same physical item at two different periods of time. The Identifier and State patterns should do most of what is needed here, and it is extremely rare that this would ever be needed. Do not use unless absolutely necessary.


An Event where an actor makes a subjective judgement against a thing. This can be a judgement of belief in a thing�s possibility, categorisation or other qualitative aspect.

Examples include:


An EventParticipant where an Actor assesses something to be true.


An Assessment where a fact is assessed to be true by a Actor (i.e. a Person or Device)

An AssessToBeTrue shall have one and only one hmlConfidence attribute (i.e. this is mandatory)


An Entity that is either man-made (or defined - see Rights) or whose extent is defined in such a way as to specify ownership - e.g. a parcel of real estate


A temporal state of an Asset


The Organisation that provides the transport specified on the Ticket


The name of the Person which is associated with the Entity

This may be the name of an account holder, the name printed on ID, tickets, etc.

Note in 3.x, this was several different attributes: accountHolderName on FinancialAccount nameOnLicense, etc. on IdentityDocument ticketHolderName on Ticket


Relates a MilitaryAttack to the Organisation conducting the attack


A Presence where the Person is present

Note - we may not know the identity of the person, so would just create only the Attendance (EventParticipant). This allows the model to grow as more information is discovered without recourse to using sameAs relationships.


A feature or property of a Thing.

Note: In IES4 it is important to distinguish between names and attributes - attribute should never be used to identify or name something - for that, use Name or Identifier.


An InDisagreement where the parties have declared war


A WorkOfDocumentation that provides permission


An AuthorisationStage where a ResponsibleActor requests authorisation to act from another ResponsibleActor


An ActiveEventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor requests authority to act


An ActiveEventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor reviews an AuthorisationRequest


An Event which is part of an EndToEndAuthorisation


An ActiveEventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor is granted authority to act in a GrantOfAuthority


An ActiveEventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor acts as the authoriser (sign off) in a GrantOfAuthority


The Event for which the respective Ticket applies.


An Organisation that holds a banking license and can conduct financial transactions on behalf of customers


An operating division of a Bank, usually a high street branch, but might also be the online arm of a Bank


A PaymentArtefact that is a physical card used for making financial transactions.

Note: when used online, the accompanying Fan


A relationship linking a TimeBoundedClass to the ParticularPeriod that marks the beginning bound date of its instances


An IdentityDocument issued to prove the data and place of birth of a Person


A BoundingState that marks the beginning of a Person’s life.

The location of the birth can be specified using inLocation

The date/time of the birth can be specified using the inPeriod relationship.


The number of the boarding card issued to the Passenger.


A WorkOfDocumentation that is a published book


A Person’s involvement as a booked traveller in a TravelBooking


A ResponsibleActor’s involvement as the facilitator of a TravelBooking


An EventParticipant where an AmountOfMoney in cash is used as payment in a TravelBooking.

When neither card nor cash is used, there will be an accompanying MoneyTransfer


An Identifier that is notionally unique number that is allocated to a TravelBooking.

Note that Booking Reference Numbers are recycled and so are not unique in their own right. When combined with the BookingDate it is potentially possible to identify a specific booking.


A ContinuousState that occurs at the beginning or end of an Element

The date/time of the state can be specified using the inPeriod relationship.


In identifier for a BankBranch - In the UK this is often referred to as the Sort Code.


A brand or logo that is represented on an Entity

e.g. some bank cards are branded by a car manufacturer, etc. but actually operated by a bank


An Event that is commercial or administrative in nature


An PartyInCommunication where the communicating party is called in an InteractiveCommunication


An PartyInCommunication where the communicating party is the caller in an InteractiveCommunication


In broadcasting and radio communications, a call sign (also known as a call name or call letters � and historically as a call signal) is a unique designation for a transmitting station.


A DispositionalClass where all the instances share the same capability

Example: Vehicles capable of Mach 2


An Identifier that is the long number on the face of the card (PaymentArtefact)


An EventParticipant where a PaymentArtefact is participant in a TradeEvent


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor participates in a Delivery as a carrier


The Organisation that provides the transport specified on the Ticket


A TravelService by car


An EventParticipant where an AmountOfMoney in cash is used as payment in a Purchase.

When neither card nor cash is used, there will be an accompanying MoneyTransfer


Relates a MilitaryAttack to a Person who was injured or killed in the attack


A CommunicationsDevice used to hold radio conversations on frequencies allocated as “Citizen Band”


A RadioMast that is used for cellular communication


A PoliticalEvent where one Government is replaced by another.


A ClassOfElement whose instances all share a common property - e.g. they are all the same colour, mass, etc.


A Relationship between a ResponsibleActor and the Transit they have chartered.


An Event where a Person checks in to a hotel or Transit. This also includes swiping tickets to use public transport

The location of the CheckIn is specified using a happensIn relationship.

The CheckIn may be part of another Event - e.g. an EntertainmentEvent or Transit event. Simply use the isPartOf relationship to specify this.


An EntertainmentTicket that permits attendance at a cinema


The powertype of AmountOfMoney


The powertype of Asset- i.e. a ClassOfEntity whose instances are classes of Asset



An rdfs:Class and an Thing whose instances are classes of classes of Element


The powertype of ClassOfEntity


An rdfs:Class and an Thing whose instances are classes of Element



The powertype of Entity - i.e. a ClassOfElement whose instances are classes of Entity


� Human groupings (e.g. Nigerian Women, British Men, Righthanded people, English Speakers); � Weapons � Etc.


An ClassOfElement whose instances are classes of Event. This is the powertype of Event.



The powertype of IndividualDocument


A ClassOfRepresentation that is the powertype of MeasureValue


The powertype of Person


The powertype of PersonState


The powertype of Representation


The powertype of ResponsibleActor


A ClassOfState that is the powertype of ResponsibleActorState


A ClassOfElement whose instances are classes of States. This is the powertype of State.



An AccountAdminEvent where an Account is shut down.


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities where one (range) coerces the other (domain).


An Event where the activity is uncertain, but it is known that some Entities were present

Note: whilst colocation can be easily inferred from data, sometimes it’s important to call out specific instances where entities of interest were in the same place at the same time.


A Characteristic whose members all have the same colour


An Organisation that is run for profit


An Event where two or more parties interact and exchange information


An Account of the communications transactions provided to a customer


A temporal state of a CommunicationsAccount


A Device that provides an endpoint for communications � e.g. mobile telephone, landline, satellite phone, CB Radio, etc.


An Identifier for the end-point of a communication


A specified range of identifiers for the end-points of a communication.


An Event where the participants are competing with each other


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor is in competition


An EntertainmentTicket where the Event is a concert


A ConferenceParticipant that is in the role of host


An PartyInCommunication that is a participant in a TeleConference


A qualitative or quantitative indication of the confidence of an AssessToBeTrue


The contact details of the Person making the booking as recorded on the actual Travel Booking.

Note that if these details can be parsed to identify the contact telephone number, contact email address etc. then they should be mapped as instances of relationship to the respective CommunicationsIdentifier (TelephoneNumber, EmailAddress, etc.).


An ClassOfClassOfEntity whose instances collect together all Representations that have similar content.



A State that is temporally continuous - i.e. it is not a DiscontinuousState


A worksFor relationship where a ResponsibleActor (domain) is contracted to another ResponsibleActor (range).

An OnlineArtefact that is stored on a Device to enable continuity of session, log-in, or simply to track activity online.

Cookies tend to be ephemeral, an unique to a device, so no states are required. Simply use cookieOnDevice relationship mark the stand and end BoundingStates of the Cookie.


Relates a Cookie to the Device it is installed on.

Note: there is usually no need for states here as the Cookie itself has begin and end times.


Relates a Cookie to the Webpage from which it originated.


An Event where the participants are cooperating with each other


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor is in Cooperation


A Location whose land extent / borders are recognised as a Country by the International Standards Organisation (ISO)

Note: this is simply the land, any buildings on it, and the airspace and ground beneath as recognised by the ISO definition. It does not include the nationals of the Country, its Government, etc.


The Country in which the respective Entity is registered / recognised.


A relationship between a TelephoneCountryCode and a Country that uses that code.

Note: more than one Country may use the same code, and in rare cases a given Country may have more than one code.


A Relationship between two Person Entities that indicates one is the cousin of the other


A LifecycleEvent where an Entity is brought into existence.


An EventParticipant where an Entity is created

The date/time of the creation can be specified using the inPeriod relationship.


A Create EventParticipant where online content is created


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor participates in a Create event as a creator


A BankCard that allows the customer to carry a line of credit


An Event which is illegal within the laws of the jurisdiction in which it takes place.

Note: If the CriminalActivity falls into one of the Home Office Offence Classification Index codes, then this should be provided using the offenceCode attribute.


An OrganisationState that is assessed to be breaking the law in an organised manner


A Location and an ArbitraryOverlap whose extent is defined by the shared overlap of two or more Locations


A partOf relationship to indicate a Location (range) has a Crossing (domain)


A ClassOfAmountOfMoney that is the denomination as currency.

The identifier should be specified as an ISO4217 three-letter code (e.g. USD, GBP, EUR, etc.)


A number that represents the amount of currency.

Note: sometimes the number and/or the currency may be unknown and therefore not instantiated


The currency in which the AmountOfMoney is denominated


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor is the customer for the Event - i.e. the Event has been conducted as a service to them, or in production of goods for them.


The customer identifier associated with the Financial Account.

A single Customer Identity could be associated with more than one Financial Account managed by the same provider.


A form of Stalking which takes place online.


A DataObject that is the contents of an entire database (note this is still a class, as there may be many copies of the database)


A DataObject that is part of the data in a Database



A DataObject that is an entire row of a table in a database (note this is still a class, as there may be many copies of the database)


A DataObject that is the entire contents of a table in a database (note this is still a class, as there may be many copies of the database)


A unique key (usually only unique within a Database, though it could be a GUID) that identifies a DataObject


A Representation which might contain internal structure that can be exploited using bespoke tools and/or applications. Data objects might be geoobjects, video files, audio files, etc.


A BoundingState that marks the end of a Person’s life

The location of the death can be specified using inLocation

The date/time of the death can be specified using the inPeriod relationship.


A BankCard where transactions debit from a bank account


A PoliticalAnnouncement marking the start of a War


The Organisation against which War has been declared


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor makes an Announcement

Note: this also covers GoverningParty from IES 3.2


A TradeEvent where one or more Entities are delivered to the receiving party


An EventParticipant where an Address participates in a Delivery as a the location to which the delivery is made


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor participates in a Delivery as a recipient


A ChangeOfGovernment that comes about by democratic means


An Organisation that is part of another Organisation - usually part of a CommercialOrganisation, though other Organisations have departments


An EventParticipant and a BoundingState that marks the start of a Travel event

The date/time of the departure can be specified using the inPeriod relationship.


A LifecycleEvent where an Entity is destroyed


An EventParticipant where an Entity is destroyed


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor participates in a Destroy event as a destroyer


An Asset that is man-made and performs one or more functions - i.e. it is also an Actor


A DeviceState (and an EventParticipant) when a Device is communicating.


An EventParticipant where a Device participates in an OnlineEvent


A temporalState of a Device


The number dialed to take part in the TeleConference


An Event that covers the end-to-end disagreement between parties


A State that is temporally dissected - i.e. it is not a continuous state, but in fact a fusion of states (which may or may not be specified)

This is used for managing situations where something happens from time to time, and we don’t always know when it happens. For example, if a vehicle is usually parked in a street, we would use a DiscontinuousState of the vehicle that would be inLocation.


A Interested state where a ResponsibleActor dislikes something


A ClassOfElement whose instances all share the same disposition - e.g. capability or tendency

Example: Vehicles capable of Mach 2


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities where one is disrespectful of the other.

Note: this should not be considered a bi-directional relationship. Just because one person disrespects another person does not necessarily mean the feeling is reciprocated.


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities where one distrusts the other.

Note: this should not be considered a bi-directional relationship. Just because one person distrusts another person does not necessarily mean the feeling is reciprocated.


An isRepresentedAs relationship that asserts a WorkOfDocumentation is about an Thing


A ClassOfIndividualDocument whose members are all of the same document format - e.g.



Links an IdentityDocument to the Person it identifies.

Note: was “Is associated with” in IES3


A Representation that is a section/chapter/paragraph in a WorkOfDocumentation

Note: inRepresentation should be used to associate the DocumentSection with the WorkOfDocumentation or other DocumentSection it is part of.


A CommunicationsIdentifierRange that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the internet. [from wikipedia]


An IdentityDocument that permits a Person to drive a Vehicle in the Country of issue.


The Measure of an Element’s temporal extent


The GeoIdentity that is a representation of the eastward componrnent of cartesian point on a map - i.e. on a 2D projection of the globe such as a mercator projection.


An Organisation that provides education


A PoliticalEvent where the population vote for their preferred ElectoralCandidate to become their representative.


A Person standing for elected office


The RegionalConstituency being decided in an Election


The Measure of the flow of electric charge.

Note: whilst this is a tricky Measure in a 4D ontology, it should be used in a niaive manner - i.e. a measure of a State of an Entity when the current is flowing through it.


An Thing that has a spatial extent and can have start and end dates


A CommunicationsAccount that is used to administer the use of one or more e-mail addresses.


A CommunicationsIdentifier that uniquely identifiers an email account.

Format: local-part@domain


A worksFor relationship where the worker is employed.


A Representation which is external data according to a data format that is not in IES format.


A relationship linking a TimeBoundedClass to the ParticularPeriod that marks the end bound date of its instances


An xsd:DateTime for the end of the period


An Event (usually of long duration) that is composed of a number of other Events.


An EndToEndActivity which is the overall process of agreeing something, including all the events that take place under that agreement, such as the negotiation, signing, delivery of service, etc.


An EndToEndActivity which is the overall process of requesting, receiving authority to act, and the conduct of activities under that authorisation until the period of authorisation ends.


An EndToEndActivity covering the lifecycle of the trade


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities where one is the enemy of the other.

Note: this should not be considered a bi-directional relationship. Just because one person considers another person their enemy does not necessarily mean the feeling is reciprocated.


An Event where entertainment (sporting, music, theatre, etc.) is provided


A Ticket to an EntertainmentEvent


An Entity typically represents a tangible thing like a Person, a Communications Device, or a Location.


A TravelLeg where an Entity is moving in Transit


A ClassOfPerson whose members all share the same ethnicity


An Event represents an activity or incident, involving one or more participating entities, that occurred/started at a specific point in time � e.g. a meeting, or a telephone call.


The date/time of the performance to which the ticket is valid.


A State which is the participating role of an Entity in an Event.

Note: this includes inactive participation (e.g. something that is being repaired). If the participation is known to be active then ActiveEventPartipant (or one of its subtypes) should be used. In BORO, EventParticipant would be “Involvement” and ActiveEventParticipant would be “Participation”.


A temporal state of an Event

Note: care must be taken with using this in a 4D, extensional model such as IES. States such as “Ended” would not be appropriate, for example - in such a case, the temporal extent of the Event or the presence of a BoundingState to end it would be correct.


Relates a Surveillance Event to a Document that is the evidence resulting from the Surveillance


A marker object that shall be present in all IES exchange files. This object is the domain for all meta-data about the file.

Wherever possible, Dublin-Core meta-data tags should be used on an ExchangePayload. If locally defined properties are needed, then these may also be defined and included in the exchange file.


A Relationship between a ResponsibleActorState and a Location they are not allowed to enter.

Note: any additional information about how or why the exclusion is in place should be added to the state


A Location that is man-made, but is typically larger than an Address (i.e. it may have more than one postal address)


Military camps, factories, sports facilities, airports, etc.


A Relationship between PersonState (which may be a Person, or just a temporal state of Person) and another Person to indicate they have a familial relationship.

Note: some relationships will be temporal (e.g. spouseOf) and therefore related a state to a Person. Others will be for life (i.e. from the birth of the youngest until one of them dies) and therefore between two whole-life Person entities.


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities where one is fearful of the other.

Note: this should not be considered a bi-directional relationship. Just because one person considers another person a threat does not necessarily mean the feeling is reciprocated.


A Ticket that is used to travel by sea


An Account held for financial management purposes.


A ClassOfElement whose instances are classes with finite, fixed membership of Elements.


An integer count of members of a FiniteClassOfElement.


The first line of the Address including the number of the dwelling and the street name.


A TravelService by air


A Ticket that is used to travel by air


An EntertainmentTicket for a football match


A CriminalActivity that is the creation of fake items

(also a subclass of Create).


The format of the respective WorkOfDocumentation.




The format of the respective IndividualDocument.


PDF Printed


A Create Event where an Organisation is founded


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities where one is the friend of the other.

Note: this should not be considered a bi-directional relationship. Just because one person considers another person their friend does not necessarily mean the feeling is reciprocated. Not that I’m bitter or anything. See also Stalking if you must.


A ClassOfPerson whose members all share the same gender


A Location that is a naturally occurring feature on the earth.


A unique Identifier attributed to the respective Location


GeoJSON is an open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes. It is based on JSON, the JavaScript Object Notation.

GeoJSON mandates use of WGS 84 coordinate system - see IETF RFC 7946


A DataObject and a GeoRepresentation that contains geographical information


A Location that is a point (mathematically speaking, of vanishing volume) on, below or above the surface of the WGS84 spheroid. The distance from the spheroid surface is given by the altitudeInMetres attribute.


A Representation for a Location - e.g. a point, a polyline, etc.


A PersonName that is one of the given names of a Person

Note: A GivenName will often be applied to a State of the Person, as names tend to change over time


The Geography-Markup-Language (GML) is the XML grammar defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to express geographical features. GML serves as a modeling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet.

Key to GML’s utility is its ability to integrate all forms of geographic information, including not only conventional “vector” or discrete objects, but coverages (see also GMLJP2) and sensor data.


Relates a Government to the RegionalPopulation that it governs.


The Location which the respective Government is in charge of.

See also goverenedPopulation - sometimes Locations have no people, and sometimes people reside outside the region in which they are legally citizens.

Note: A Government instance has a start and end date corresponding to its time in power.


An Organisation that is (usually) elected to run a governedRegion


An Organisation that is part of, or controlled by a national or local Government


An AuthorisationStage where a ResponsibleActor grants another ResponsibleActor authority to act.


A simple text description of a GroupOfItems


A name given to a GroupOfItems


A collection of Thing that have been gathered together for a purpose.

Note: The same Thing can be in more than one GroupOfItems


A CriminalActivity where computer equipment is interfered with without the owners permission


A textual description of any handling caveats that must be adhered to.


A Relationship between a ResponsibleActorState and an Entity they have access to - e.g. a FinancialAccount, CommunicationsDevice, etc.


The author of the respective document.


An rdf:type relationship that asserts an Element has a Characteristic or Measure


The country in which the respective IdentityDocument or PaymentArtefact was issued.


The address of an emergency contact as printed on the IdentityDocument


The ethnic group that the respective Person belongs to.

The Metropolitan Police standard shall be used as the reference data standard.


The gender the Person was born with (sex) and which would result from a DNA test.


The gender the Person chooses to identify as


A language spoken by the respective Person at a stage (PersonState) in their life


An isRepresentedAs relationship that asserts an Thing is identified (albeit loosely) by a Name


The publisher of the document.


A relationship between a CommunicationsIdentifier and the CommunicationsAccountState of the account to which the identifier is registered


A relationship where a PersonState holds or follows a Religion


A isRepresentedAs relationship that asserts a Representation is the source (information provenance) for an Thing


The address of the owner/user as recorded on the respective IdentityDocument or PaymentArtefact.


The country of residence as printed on the respective IdentityDocument


The nationality of the identity holder as specified on the IdentityDocument.


A relationship to the place of birth as recorded on the respective IdentityDocument


A relationship to the place of issue as specified on the IdentityDocument


A relationship linking an Event (e.g. Communication, Meeting or Investigation) to an Thing that is a theme (or topic)



An isRepresentedAs relationship that asserts a Measure has a MeasureValue

Note: a given Measure may have more than one value (e.g. 1kg or 2.2lbs) in different units of measure.


An Interested state where a ResponsibleActor hates something


A NationalIdentityNumber used for managing a citizen’s through-life healthcare

In UK, this would be an NHS number, apart from Scotland where it is called a CHI number


A confidence whose value must be one of “HIGH”, “MEDIUM”, or “LOW”

This is a mandatory attribute for AssessToBeTrue


Relates an AccountHolder (PersonState) to the Account they hold


Relates a WebResourceState to the OnlineService that hosts it


A GeoIdentity that is administered by the International Air Transport Associate for airport identification


An Identifier that is an International Bank Account Number

See ISO 13616:2007


A GeoIdentity that is administered by the International Civil Aviation Organisation for identifying airports


Provides an indication of the believed authenticity of the IdentityDocument

Genuine Fake Unknown


The Date of Birth as specified on the respective IdentityDocument.


The date that the respective Identity Document was actually issued � this is different from the ValidFromDate on EphemeralIdDocuments.


The name of an emergency contact as printed on the IdentityDocument


The telephone number of an emergency contact as printed on the IdentityDocument


A Name that is unique within the specified context


An IndividualDocument used to confirm the identity of the bearer (and often enables a particular activity � e.g. a passport enables the bearer to travel across international borders).


The family name as printed on the IdentityDocument


The gender as recorded on the respective IdentityDocument


The given names as printed on the IdentityDocument


A relationship between a CommunicationsIdentifierRange and the CommunicationsIdentifier that is the lower limit of the identifier range


A relationship that asserts a NationalIdentityNumber (which identifies a person) is featured on a NationalIdentityCard


A relationship between a CommunicationsIdentifierRange and the CommunicationsIdentifier that is the upper limit of the identifier range


An EventParticipant where an IdentityDocument is used in a CheckIn event


The Proficiency qualifier is specified using the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) scale [E].

(a) ILR Level 0 � No proficiency (b) ILR Level 1 � Elementary Proficiency (c) ILR Level 2 � Limited Working Proficiency (d) ILR Level 3 � Professional Working Proficiency (e) ILR Level 4 � Full Professional Proficiency (f) ILR Level 5 � Native or Bilingual Proficiency


The International Mobile Equipment Identity used to identify GSM, WCDMA and iDEN mobile phone handsets, as well as some satellite phones.

Usually a 15-digit number (14 digits plus a check digit)

Example Value:



The International Mobile Subscriber Number Historically, this is stored as a 64-bit number on the SIM Card (it is NOT identity of the SIM Card itself), but now can be a software assigned identifier to any mobile subscriber interface.

An IMSI is usually presented as a 15-digit number, but it can be shorter.

The first three digits are the Mobile Country Code (MCC), followed by a 2 or 3 digit Mobile Network Code (MNC) and the remaining digits are the Mobile Subscription Identification Number (MSIN).

For the example shown this would be:


An Organisations’s role in incarcerating a Person


A LawEnforcement EndToEndActivity where a Person is incarcerated


A Facility used for incarceration - e.g. a prison, detention centre, or remand facility


An rdf:type relationship that asserts a Representation belongs to a ContentCategory


The Government that took power after a ChangeOfGovernment


A Person in-office prior to the Election being decided


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor is in disagreement


An Asset that is a written, photographed or drawn representation of thoughts. This might include, but not limited to, formal reports, books, legal instruments. Such documents might exist in a wide variety of forms, both printed and in electronic form.

Note: this is an individual document - i.e. physical or (rarely) a specific electronic copy (e.g. on a specific hard disk…told you it was rare). In most cases, we refer to the document in general - WorkOfDocumentation


An Identifier used to uniquely identify an IndividualDocument


A relationship between a ResponsibleActor and the thing that influences them


A relationship between a WebResourceState and a Representation that asserts the Representation is the content of the WebResource

Note: a state is used here as the content may change over time even though the WebResource persists


A property linking a Thing to a GroupOfItems indicating that it belongs to that group.

Note: A Thing may be in more than one group and a group may contain more than one Thing


An rdf:type relationship that asserts a Representation is in a particular Language


A partOf relationship to indicate an Element is entirely within a Location


A partOf relationship to indicate an Element’s lifetime is entirely within a PeriodOfTime


Fred’s birth is in May 1978


A Relationship between a ResponsibleActor and an Asset they have in their possession.

Note: this is separate to ownership - e.g. the possessor may well be the owner (use the owns relationship) but may also be a result of borrowing, theft, temporary custodianship,


An InstalledState of a ResponsibleActor when they are in a Post.


A relationship that asserts a Representation is part of another Representation


A temporal state of a ResponsibleActor

Note: this is the superclass of ResponsibleActor (the whole life person or organisation) because the whole-life state is just a special case of a ResponsibleActorState. This pattern is true for all states.


An rdf:type relationship that asserts a Representation is a member of a RepresentationScheme


A temporal state of an Entity when it fulfils a ReplaceablePart.


An Asset that is an installed instance of a set of programmatic instructions that control or affect the behaviour of an Asset (usually a Device).


A GovernmentOrganisation that collects, analyses or disseminates intelligence


An OperationalEvent that involves the gathering, analysis or dissemination of intelligence


A Communication that occurs synchronously - e.g. a video or voice call


A ResponsibleActorState where the Actor is interested in something


A Relationship between a ResponsibleActor (or state thereof) and an Entity they are interested in.


An Organisation formed of Nations who have agreed to pursue a particular course (e.g. a war)


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities where one (range) intimidates the other (domain).


An IntelligenceOperation that researches a particular threat, or theme.


An Operator role where a Person is an investigator


A temporal state of a ResponsibleActor

Note: this is the superclass of ResponsibleActor (the whole life person or organisation) because the whole-life state is just a special case of a ResponsibleActorState. This pattern is true for all states.


A temporal state of a ResponsibleActor

Note: this is the superclass of ResponsibleActor (the whole life person or organisation) because the whole-life state is just a special case of a ResponsibleActorState. This pattern is true for all states.


An Identifier that is an Internet Protocol address.


A CommunicationIdentifierRange between two IPAddress instances

In these examples the IPv4 address range is specified using the following format: <lower address> - <upper address> using one of a number of different IPv4 address notations.

The IPv4 address range is all the IPv4 addresses between the <lower address> and the <upper address> (inclusive).

Both examples here represent the same address range (but in different notations).

The Dot Decimal Range notation specifies the <lower address> and the <upper address> in Dot Decimal form � where each of these 32-bit IPv4 addresses are expressed as four octets expressed individually in decimal and separated by periods.

The Dot Hexadecimal Range notation specifies the <lower address> and the <upper address> in Dot Hexadecimal form � where each of these 32-bit IPv4 addresses are expressed as four octets where each octet is prefixed with 0x, expressed individually in hexadecimal and separated by periods.


A CommunicationsDevice that is a telephone using internet protocols


An IPAddress conforming to v4 of the standard


An IPAddress conforming to v6 of the standard


The passport associated with the Visa.

Note: if the IES data does not already contain the associated passport, a Passport instance must be created, and the appropriate passport number specified.


An inLocation relationship to indicate a PointOnEarthSurface is the centroid of a Location


An rdf:type relationship that asserts an Element is a member of a DispositionalClass - i.e. it is disposed to (capable of, tends to, etc.) the specified disposition.


An isStateOf that relates a BoundingState to the Element it marks the end of


A hasName relationship that asserts an Identifier identifies an Thing


The Country in which a Currency is legal tender


A GeoRepresentation using Well-Known-Text encoding for ISO19125 simple features.

Note: the WKT must include the coordinate reference system used - e.g WGS 84


ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 (3-Letter Country Code)


ISO4217 three-letter currency code (e.g. USD, GBP, EUR, etc.)


ISO639-3 three-letter language code


A ISO8601 datetime (as xsd:dateTime) that represents the ParticularPeriod.

This representation is also encoded in the URI of the period, this is an additional required attribute to enable querying by dateTime and SPARQL temporal operations. The literal string shall be encoded in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) but unlike the URI, it must be punctuated. For example: “2007-01-18T15:30:00”


An isPartOf that relates an EventParticipant to the Event it participates in.


An isStateOf that relates an EventParticipant to the Element that is the participant


A relationship linking an Element to another that it is part of.


London partOf UK My Arm partOf Me


A relationship linking an Thing to the ResponsibleActor that prefers the use of that Thing.

This is used when there are more than one state, name, etc. for a given item, and there is a requirement to specify which one is considered primary / preferred by a particular Organisation.



A relationship that asserts a Representation in someway depicts an Thing


An isStateOf that relates a BoundingState to the Element it marks the start of


An isPartOf linking an Element to a temporal State of that Element


You, you yesterday


The IIN is a number that uniquely identifies the issuer of the Bank Card.

An ISO/IEC 7812 number contains a single-digit major industry identifier (MII), a six-digit issuer identification number (IIN), an individual account identification number, and a single digit checksum.


The Organisation that issued the ticket � this might be different from the travel provider.


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities that indicates one teaches the other.

In the case where the teaching is occasional / ad-hoc (i.e. there isn’t an ongoing course) then the instance of the ResponsibleActorState should also be an instance of DiscontinuousState


A FinancialAccount held by more than one person


A Movement which is made up of two or more TravelLegs

Note: this may include a number of legs to the journey (i.e. instances of TravelLeg that are part of the Journey)


An EncodedData which is in JSON format


A Relationship between Rights and the Nation under whose laws the Rights are established


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities where both are known to know each other but the extent to which they interact (e.g. friendship, work, criminal activity, etc.) is not known.


A CommunicationsDevice that connects using fixed line telecommunications


A TelephoneAccount where the telephones in use connect using a wired network and operate only in a specific location


A ClassOfRepresentation that is a spoken or written form of human communication


A ClassOfPersonState indicating the proficiency a person has in a particular language at that state in their life.


A GeoIdentity that is a decimal representation of an angle of latitude of a PointOnEarthSurface (WGS84)


An Event that involves the application of criminal law


A GovernmentOrganisation that investigates crimes and brings the perpetrators to justice. Wikipedia definition: Law enforcement is any system by which some members of society act in an organized manner to enforce the law by discovering, deterring, rehabilitating, or punishing people who violate the rules and norms governing that society.


An Investigator who is charge of an Investigation


The Measure of distance as specified by the International System of Quantities


An Event that brings about change to its environment or another Element - e.g. creation, destruction or modification


An Interested State where a ResponsibleActor likes something


A line in an Address. There may be any number of these.


An OnlineArtefact that is video or audio streamed online in real time.

Note: the begin and end dates for a LiveCast instance mark its life online rather than the duration of the actual recording. The recording itself should be tracked using an OnlineContentCreation Event.


An Entity that is a geographic place which specifies a point or an area on the Earth’s surface or elsewhere.


A temporal state of a Location


A OnlineEvent where an OnlineAccount logs out of an OnlineService


A OnlineEvent where an OnlineAccount logs onto an OnlineService


The GeoIdentity that is a decimal representation of an angle of longitude of a PointOnEarthSurface (WGS84)


A interestedIn relationship where a Person loves another Person


A relationship a MeasureRange to the Measure that is its lower bound


The Measure of radiated light


A CommunicationsIdentifier that is used to identify network interface controllers

Various forms of the MAC address can be used: (a) six groups of two hexadecimal digits, separated by hyphens (-) or colons (:), in transmission order (b) three groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by dots (.) again in transmission order.

  1. The make & model of the network interface is encoded within the MAC address.


A Relationship between a ResponsibleActorState and an Entity they maintain


A relationship from the device to its “make” - i.e. organisation that brands it (even if the manufacture is contracted-out)

Example - an iPhone 6S has make Apple


An OnlineAccountInUse where the account is used to conduct a CriminalActivity online


A worksFor relationship where the managed ResponsibleActorState (domain) is managed by another ResponsibleActor (range).


A Location whose area is specified by a grid on a map.

Note this is the actual area, not the map grid.


An EndToEndActivity covering the entire extent of a two people’s marriage (from the ceremony to either divorce or death)

Note: As IES4 does not increase the scope of IES3, Marriage also includes common-law partners and civil partnerships


A State when a Person is married to another person


The Measure of an Entity’s resistance to acceleration as specified by the International System of Quantities


An Characteristic which is measurable on a scale


A Measure specified by upper and lower bound Measures


An rdf:type relationship that asserts a Measure is represented using a particular UnitOfMeasure


A Representation of the value of a Measure

Note: A UnitOfMeasure is almost always required. The reason it is not mandatory is that in some cases (due to partial reporting) we do not have complete information - e.g. we know the value was stated to be 10 but we don’t know if that’s metres or feet


A DataObject that is a stand-alone file - e.g. a video, image or sound recording


A CoLocation where the attendees (Presence) communicate with each other


An Attendance where the Person involved is the chair of a Meeting


A Communication where a message is sent.


An attribute representing the content of a message

Example: messageContent = See you at Waterloo station at 18:15


A MilitaryEvent where force is used

Note: was called “Attack” in v3.x - now called “MilitaryAttack” to distinguish from domestic attacks, terrorist attacks, hacking attacks, etc.


An OperationalEvent that involves military staff


A GovernmentOrganisation that conducts warfighting, peacekeeping and emergency civil support functions


A short description of why an IntelligenceOperation was carried out used for legal justification

Agencies that work in the intelligence domain may wish to standardise these descriptions.


A CommunicationsDevice that is a portable telephone using cellular networks


A TelephoneAccount where the telephones in use connects using a cellular network


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor participates in a Modify event as a modifier


A LifecycleEvent where something is changed


A BusinessEvent where an AmountOfMoney is moved from one FinancialAccount to another.

Usually a Money Transfer event will involve two accounts but we might not know both, or it might be a cash transfer � in which case only one of the participants might be specified.


An Event where an Entity moves from one place to another.


An EventParticipant in which an Entity moves from one Location to another


A Representation that is used to refer to something, usually in context of a NamingScheme


GBR - the ISO Trigram for the United Kingdom GB - the FIPS two-letter code for the United Kingdom “Michael Caine” - stage name for Maurice Micklewhite


An ClassOfClassOfEntity whose instances collect together all Names that belong to a particular scheme - i.e. an organisational identity scheme, a systems primary key format, etc.


The people of a Country (or group of Countries recognised as a Nation).

Note: this is distinct to a Country which is the land mass under control by the Nation, though ISO Country codes are regularly used to also identify Nations.


An IdentityDocument issued by a Government to identify a Person


An Identifier of a Person that is specified by a GovernmentOrganisation


A relationship to a Nation which recognises the Person (or State of Person, as it is possible to renounce a nationality) as one of their nationals.


NatureOfInterest is limited to the following values: � Personal � Professional � Academic


A relationship linking an Entity to another Entity it is proximate to in space


An AgreementStage where parties are trying to find agreement


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor negotiates an agreement


A Relationship between two Person Entities that indicates one is the nephew or niece of the other.

Note: people can become nephews or nieces at different stages in their lives (e.g. as people marry) so PersonState should be used in cases where someone has not always been related in this way (i.e. not from birth)


An Device (usually part of another Device) that provides wired or wireless access to a network.

Network interfaces can often be removable. To model this, create DeviceStates of the NetworkInterface and make them part of the Device which hosts the interface for that period of time.


A nearTo linking an Entity to another Entity it is immediately proximate to (i.e. touching) in space


A PersonName that is an unofficial or casual name

Note: An nickname will often be applied to a State of the Person, as these tend to be non-permanent names


An EndToEndAgreement where parties agree not to disclose certain information


The GeoIdentity that is a representation of the northward componrnent of cartesian point on a map - i.e. on a 2D projection of the globe such as a mercator projection.


An Organisation where all income is reinvested, or distributed - i.e. no profit is made.


An OnlineContentEvent where a notification is raised - i.e. an application-generated event (not a user-generated event)


The content of the data object.

Whenever a DataObject is exchanged it must include either the ObjectContent or an ObjectContentReference or both.

The ContentStandard qualifier specifies the standard (either by name or by reference) that is applicable to the content of the DataObject.

The ContentFormat qualifier specifies the format of the content of the DataObject.


An ObjectContentReference is a resolvable reference to the �content� of the respective DataObject.

Whenever a DataObject is exchanged it must include either the ObjectContent or an ObjectContentReference or both.


A Name given to a DataObject.


An Event where an Element (Event or Entity) is observed by an Entity (i.e. a Person or Device)


An EventParticipant where an Element is Observed


An EventParticipant where an Entity observes another Entity or Event


When a Government has observer rights at a Summit


A TradeEvent where one or more Entities of the same type (specified by an ClassOfEntity) are offered for sale or exchange


An EventParticipant in which an Entity is on a Journey (i.e. a multi-part journey)


An Account that enables a person, organisation or other entity to participate within a particular online domain.

Note: was called “OnlineIdentifier” in previous versions of IES


An EventParticipant where an OnlineAccount participates in an OnlineEvent


Relates an OnlineAccount to the OnlineService that provides and administers the account.

Note: was called “Domain” in previous IES versions


A temporal state of an OnlineAccount


A WebResource which is any kind of media presented online that is more granular than a webpage, and user-generated - e.g. a blog post, tweet, facebook post, etc.

Note: when applying begin and end states (and periods of time) to OnlineArtefact, the times should correspond to the life of the content, not the duration of the posting activity.


An EventParticipant where an OnlineArtefact participates in an OnlineEvent


An OnlineArtefact that is a comment on an existing OnlineArtefact instance


Relates an OnlineComment to the OnlineContent that was commented on


An OnlineContentEvent where a “post” is made.



An OnlineEvent where content (text, images, video, etc.) is uploaded, downloaded or viewed


An Event on a computer network. This can include events on any network of computer including the internet or other air-gapped or isolated network.


OnlineArtefact that is a “like” of an existing OnlineArtefact instance


Relates an OnlineLike to the OnlineContent that was “liked”


A Message that was sent Online or any other networked system including air-gapped networks.


Relates an OnlineArtefact to the ResponsibleActor that produced it.


A service provided on a computer network.


Relates an OnlineService to the ResponsibleActor that owns/runs it


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor participates in a TradeEvent as an online shop


An AccountAdminEvent where a new Account is opened


Software that provides the basic access layer to hardware


An Event conducted by military or national security actors


A ResponsibleActor’s role in an OperationalEvent where they are one of the operators


A coupling between a ResponsibleActor (or state thereof) and an ClassOfElement to which they are opposed

Examples: an organisation that is opposed to Nuclear Weapons


A ResponsibleActor that is a group of people formed for one or more of purposes � e.g. government organisations, educational organisations, terrorists organisations, religious organisations, etc.


A unique Identifier for an Organisation (more usually an OrganisationState)

Example: DUNS number VAT number Companies House Number Registered Charity Number


A Name used to identify an Organisation


A temporal state of an Organisation


The groups (if any) which the requesting user must be a member of at least one of in order to access the item. See the EDH specification for further details.

Allowable Values:

See EDH Standard


The System that produced the dataset


The ResponsibleActor that produced the dataset


A GeoIdentity that is an Ordnance Survey Grid Reference - i.e. pertaining to Great Britain.


The Government that left power following a ChangeOfGovernment


A Relationship between a ResponsibleActor and an Asset they legally own


A Relationship between two Person Entities that indicates one is the parent of the other


A temporal state of a Vehicle where it is not moving.



A PeriodOfTime that is a specific, contiguous extent of time.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The URI of a ParticularPeriod shall be encoded in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and as follows:

Where the content after the / is encoded without punctuation and without the trailing “Z”. In the example above, the punctuated equivalent would be “2007-01-18T15:30:00Z”

The reason behind using a URI is that receiving systems can resolve the periods of time and de-duplicate.


Tuesday 28th August 2018 2016 December 1944


A unique Identifier for the a ModelOfDevice

Note: this is different to a serial number which is unique to each Device


A Location that is contained within a Facility - e.g. a room, laboratory, floor, etc.


An Event that is part of (usually one end of) a Communication Event.

Sometimes, all we know about a PartyInCommunication is their CommunicationsIdentifier (phone number, e-mail address, maybe even just an IP address) so the isIdentifiedBy relationship may be applied to PartyInCommunication


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor is party to an EndToEndAgreement

Note: this includes EndToEndAgreements that were never ratified - i.e. they got to the negotiation stage but were never put into force


A PersonInTransit where the Person travelling is a Passenger on a Transit


The Name of the Person being used for Travel - it may not be known if this is the actual Name the Person travelling, as someone else may be using their ticket.


An IdentityDocument that confirms a Person’s nationality and permits them to cross national boundaries


A link from an ExchangePayload to an rdfs:Resource that is in that payload.

If there is no payloadContents link, then it is assumed that all the contents of the file are in the ExchangePayload. Under this circumstance, more than one ExchangePayload would be an error.

The payloadContents link will usually refer to a named graph, but it can also be used to refer to individual rdf:Statements and rdfs:Resources.


A mandatory link from an ExchangePayload to the SecurityLabel that provides the default access control for all statements in the payload.

Note: individual statements may deviate from the default by applying their own SecurityLabels


An Asset that is means of payment


The Organisation that provided the PaymentArtefact


A Treaty that formalises the end of hostilities in a War


A PeriodOfTime is an Element whose spatial extent is everywhere, but whose temporal extent is limited.


The nationalities of those who are permitted to access the item. See the EDH specification for further details.

Allowable Values:

See EDH Standard


The organisations who are permitted to access the item. See the EDH specification for further details.

Allowable Values:

See EDH Standard


An Actor where the ResponsibleActor conducts a CriminalActivity


A human being, living or dead. This also includes what may appear to be a person, but is in fact an Alias


A CommunicationsDevice for portable radio communications - e.g. a walkie-talkie


The Length that is the height of a PersonState


A PersonState (and an EventParticipant) when a Person is involved in communicating.


An EntityInTransit where the Entity is a Person


A Name used to identify / refer to a Person

Note: this is the full name as known to the organisation managing the NamingScheme. For first names, surnames, etc. use a subtype of PersonName

A PersonName may be composed of Surname, GivenName, etc. using the inRepresentation relationship


A temporal state of a Person


The title associated with the name of the person.


A Name that is used to refer to a Location.

Note: the naming pattern is used here as different parties (even standards bodies !) may have different names for the same Location


A Location that is a point (mathematically speaking, of vanishing area) on the surface of the WGS84 spheroid


A PoliticalAnnouncement about policy


A PoliticalEvent that is also an EndToEndAgreement

Note: was called Agreement in IES 3.x, but that was confusing for business agreements, personal agreements, etc.


A PoliticalEvent where information is released to the public

Note: was called Announcement in IES 3.x, but that was confusing for business announcements , personal announcements , etc.


An Event related to democratic processes or party politics


A Facility which is a recognised terminus for international travel


An Element that encompasses a number of Events, Entities and States that may occur / have occurred. A PossibleWorld is used for scenario planning and forensics.

This is a very simple placeholder for an area of IES that is likely to grow in the future. For now, it can be used to group together a number of elements (using isPartOf relationship) to assert that they share the same truth - i.e. in one possible scenario, all of them were true. The same Element may exist in more than one PossibleWorld - i.e. scenarios may share elements. For version 4.1.0 of IES, PossibleWorld is to be used with AssessToBeTrue in order to specify a level of confidence or probability. More work is needed on this in later IES versions.


A part of an Organisation that has particular responsibilities


A GeoIdentity used to (partially) identify and address


A partOf relationship to indicate a State of an Entity just after the Modify event

Note: For BORO purists, this means the post State is part of the Modify Event (i.e. the extent of the Modify Event includes the State)


A temporal state of a Post


An rdf:type relationship that asserts one Class is the powerset of the other (see Cantor’s theorem).


A partOf relationship to indicate a State of an Entity just prior to the Modify event

Note: For BORO purists, this means the pre State is part of the Modify Event (i.e. the extent of the Modify Event includes the State)


An EventParticipant where an Entity is CoLocated with other Entities of interest


A person’s role when incarcerated


A LawEnforcement Event that is the trial of a suspect


A person’s role as a prosecutor in a trial


The classification applied to the respective item. This is equivalent to the Classification field within the EDH

Allowable Values:



The date of publication of the respective document.


A TradeEvent where an Entity is bought


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor participates in a TradeEvent as a purchaser

Note: in the case of a RequestForQuotation, the purchaser is the person or organisation issuing the RfQ

Note: in the case of an online purchase where the buyer is unknown, the participant may be an OnlineIdentifier


The number of Entities (of the same type) that were delivered


The number of Entities (of the same type) that are being offered for sale


The number of Entities (of the same type) that were purchased


A relationship linking a RadioMast to its RadioCoverageArea


A Location whose area is that in which a RadioMast hast viable communications coverage.

Note: The RadioMast itself may not be part of this area, as often the immediate area around the base of a RadioMast is a deadspot.

Note: Most radio area coverage is complex in shape, and the preferred representation in IES4 is GeoJSON. No attempt is made here to differentiate between signal strength zones. To do this, create multople RadioCoverAreas for the same RadioMast and label them appropriately.


An Device that is placed in a Location to provide either a link from a wired to wireless connection, or to relay between two wireless endpoints.


An AgreementStage where parties have arrived at a consensus and approve the agreement


A Location (and an Asset) that has been defined or constructed for the purpose of ownership


An EventParticipant where a FinancialAccount receives money


An PartyInCommunication where the communicating party is the recipient of a message


An IntelligenceOperation where an Entity or Event is observed for the purposes of planning


A modified ISO8601 format (hence use of xsd:string) where elements of the time/date are blanked with ?? characters. The purpose of this is to be able to specify e.g. a time of day with no date - i.e. all recurrences of that time of day.


A PeriodOfTime that is composed of regularly recurring periods of time.

ISO8601 is used to represent these periods (recurrentPeriodRepresentation property), using the blanking technique (e.g. blanking the date to give a daily time). The recurrence can be limited using the startsIn and endsIn properties Examples:

Every Tuesday from 28th August 2018 to 2 October 2018 13:00 to 14:00 on every day from 27th June 2016 to 2 October 2024


An Identifier used to uniquely identity a document.


The people residing (or entitled to reside / vote in) a particular Location.


A Location that is a general subdivision of a Country

e.g. cities, towns, counties, states, etc.


A Location that is a general subdivision of the world - e.g. continents, sub-continents, economic areas, etc.

Regions of the world may sometimes be spatially separated (e.g. economic areas)


The registration number for the respective Vehicle (with or without spaces).

For road vehicles this is often referred to as the VRN (vehicle registration number).

For aircraft the tail number is often used as a means of identification and/or registration.


A relationship represents an association between two Things


An Entity whose extent is all the people (PersonState) who share the same belief.

Religions may be part of other religions - e.g. Christianity being made up of Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, etc.

  1. The religion �practiced� by the respective Person..
  2. The religion may be qualified to identity a particular sect.
  3. The Metropolitan Police standard [F] shall be used as the reference data standard


A temporal state of an Religion


An Organisation formed around a particular religious belief


An EndToEndAgreement where one Party rents an Entity to another


A PartyToAgreement where a ResponsibleActor provides an Entity to rent


An EventParticipant where an Entity is rented


A PartyToAgreement where a ResponsibleActor rents an Entity from another party


An Element which is a part of a whole that can be replaced (possibly multiple times) without altering its overall identity. It is coincident with any Element which fulfils its purpose, role or function to the whole.

The identity of a RepleacablePart can survive periods when no Element fulfils its purpose.

A RepleacablePart does not survive the destruction of the whole it is a part of, though an Element that fulfils the RepleacablePart may do.

Examples include:


A WorkOfDocumentation that offers one or more persons view on a particular topic.


An ClassOfEntity whose instances are representations of things in the real world



The examplar text, number, etc. of a Representation


A WorkOfDocumentation that requests permission


A TradeEvent where one or more Entities are is required


Rights where the rights holder has reserved some future event - e.g. hotel reservation, travel reservation, delivery, etc.


A Relationship between a ResponsibleActorState and a Location at which they registered as a resident.

Note this is legal / administrative construct. See also StaysAt


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities where one respects the other.

Note: this should not be considered a bi-directional relationship. Just because one person respects another person does not necessarily mean the feeling is reciprocated.


An Actor that can be held legally responsible for their actions - generally a Person or an Organisation. This also includes Posts which may be filled by people or organisations.

Note: there are many situations (mostly due to the law) where a Person or Organisation can be the subject of a relationship or Event interchangeably. Hence the need for a parent class in the IES ontology.


A temporal state of a ResponsibleActor

Note: this is the superclass of ResponsibleActor (the whole life person or organisation) because the whole-life state is just a special case of a ResponsibleActorState. This pattern is true for all states.


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor participates in a TradeEvent as a retailer


An Asset which encompasses the legal rights to an Element

Strictly speaking, all property (therefore most Assets) are a question of rights. No-one actually owns something, they have a legal right of that thing. In most cases, we can deal with this just using Asset. However in more complex cases, rights can be bought and sold (and of course owned) to things which aren’t generally viewed as assets - e.g. paying a delivery cost, owning the leasehold to a property, etc.



A Relationship between Rights and the Element to which the Rights apply



A Vehicle that travels by road (surprisingly enough)


A GeoIdentity used to identify a PartOfFacility


A TravelService by sea


A CommunicationsDevice that communicates via satellite.


The Port from which the TravelService is scheduled to arrive


The date/time on which the service was scheduled to arrive

The format of this attribute is a restricted string based upon the ISO 8601 Extended Format.


The Port from which the TravelService is scheduled to depart


The date/time on which the service was scheduled to depart

The format of this attribute is a restricted string based upon the ISO 8601 Extended Format.


A DataObject that is a standardised plan or outline for something.

e.g. Bristol City Street Furniture Schema


A relationship that asserts a NamingScheme is owned by a System that is the master for its names / identifiers - i.e. the uniqueness of the name/identifier is limited to the system.


A relationship that asserts a RepresentationScheme is governed and used by a ResponsibleActor


A display Name used by the account which may be non-unique, and may not be the same as the username


The number of the seat that the Passenger should be travelling in. Whilst this partially identifies the Passenger, there is no guarantee that people have not swapped seats.


A SecurityLabel may be assigned at the statement (triple) level or to the entire ExchangePayload. They provide a mechanism to specify access restrictions and handling instructions for specific triples.

Note: In any given IES exchange, a SecurityLabel must be applied to the ExchangePayload. Individual SecurityLabels at the statement level are used to indicate where individual statements deviate from the overall payload SecurityLabel


An PartyInCommunication where the communicating party is the sender of a message


An EventParticipant where a FinancialAccount sends money


An Identifier for Device that has been assigned at manufacture.

Example Value:



The Name of the OnlineService

This should not be confused with a webpage (see the Webpage entity type). The Online Service may be provided via a webpage.


The role of an Organisation in providing a Service (e.g. a TeleConference)


A temporal state of a ResponsibleActor

Note: this is the superclass of ResponsibleActor (the whole life person or organisation) because the whole-life state is just a special case of a ResponsibleActorState. This pattern is true for all states.


A Vehicle that travels on water


A Relationship between two Person Entities that indicates one is the sibling of the other


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor ratifies an agreement


A CommunicationsDevice that holds data about a IMSI


An ClassOfEntity whose instances are considered similar


An rdf:type relationship that asserts an Entity is similar to other Entities that are also related to the same SimilarEntities class.


A Message (text and images) sent over a cellular network


A visits relationship between a ResponsibleActor and a Location they socialise in.

Note: more often than not, this will be a statement of occasional socialising, so the instance of the ResponsibleActorState should also be an instance of DiscontinuousState. In rarer occasions, it may be used to highlight a single, continuous visit, but in that case, inLocation would generally be used.


A temporal state of a ResponsibleActor

Note: this is the superclass of ResponsibleActor (the whole life person or organisation) because the whole-life state is just a special case of a ResponsibleActorState. This pattern is true for all states.


An OnlineArtefact that is user-created - e.g. a facebook timeline, twitter feed, etc.


An OnlineArtefact that is part of a SocialMediaPage

Note: the content may be created by a different account to the one which created the SocialMediaPage


An NationalIdentityNumber used for managing a citizen’s access to social services

In UK, this would be an NI number, in the US, it would be the social security number


A ClassOfAsset that is programmatic instructions that control or affect the behaviour of an Asset (usually a Device).

Note that Software is a class, as the same Software may be installed in multiple locations.


The language in which someone is proficient


A CriminalActivity involving the malicious surveillance of a person, often in threatening manner


A Measure specified in the International system of quantities


A MeasureValue that is expressed in SI units


An xsd:DateTime for the start of the period


A temporal state of an Element

Note: IES requires that any State must be related to its whole-life Element. In some cases, the identity of the whole-life element may be unknown (or of unknown type) but a whole-life element must still be created and related to the State.

Note: When Events are decomposed into temporal parts, those parts are often Events themselves. The exception is when the temporal part is arbitrary (e.g. the 11th second of a meeting) when a State should be used. These are rare though.


A link from an rdf:Statement (see W3C guidance on RDF reification) to the SecurityLabel that provides the access control for that statement.

Note: All exchanges should have a default payloadLabel specified. The use of statementLabel is required when individual statements deviate from the default in terms of their access control.


A visits relationship between a ResponsibleActor and a Location where the person stays at the Location. This should not be confused with residesIn which is an assertion of legal residence. Note: more often than not, this will be a statement of regular/occasional stays, so the instance of the ResponsibleActorState should also be an instance of DiscontinuousState. In rarer occasions, it may be used to highlight a single, continuous visit, but in that case, inLocation would generally be used.


A PaymentArtefact issued by a retail Organisation that can only be used to pay for items supplied by that Organisation.


StrengthOfInterest is used in its most general sense and is limited to the following values: � Weak � Strong � Fanatical


An element that is highly dissective or generally uncountable. For example, sand, water, gas and coffee.


A State during which an Element is of interest to an investigation


An EventParticipant where an Entity is the subject of an OperationalEvent



An after relationship linking two Elements where one ends and the other comes after as a replacement


A PoliticalEvent where senior leaders assemble to discuss and agree policy or treaties


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor participates in a TradeEvent as a supplier


A worksFor relationship where the supplier (domain) is contracted to deliver goods or services to client (range)


A PersonName that is their inherited or married name

Note: A surname will often be applied to a State of the Person, as names tend to change over time


An IntelligenceOperation that involves the continued observation of a Person or Location


Relates a Surveillance Event to a Document that is the warrant for the Surveillance


An Device comprising software and hardware brought together for a purpose. The Devices may or may not be removable / replaceable


A temporal state of a System


Relates an MilitaryAttack to the location specified for the attack


An Organisation formed around a particular pursuit or task


An InteractiveCommunication where 2 or more parties communicate using audio


A CommunicationsAccount that is used to administer the use of one or more telephone numbers.


The dialing code for a country as specified by the ITU


A CommunicationsIdentifier that enables calls to be directed to particular handset


A CommunicationsIdentifierRange of TelehoneNumbers


The Measure of the thermodynamic temperature of an Element


A DispositionalClass where all the instances share the same tendency

Example: People who tend to violence


A CriminalActivity that is politically motivated and designed to cause terror


An OrganisationState that is assessed to be conducting acts of terror to achieve a political or religious goal.


An EntertainmentTicket for a theatre show


A rdfs:Resource which is a real or possible world ‘thing’.

Thing and its immediate subclasses are too broad a set of concepts to ever need to instantiate directly.



Documented authority (paid-for or otherwise) entitling the bearer to some specified activity.


The arrival location as stated on the ticket.


The departure location as stated on the ticket.


An EventParticipant where a Ricket is used in a CheckIn event

e.g. a London Underground ticket being used at a barrier, or a concert ticket being scanned on arrival at the venue


A ClassOfElement whose instances all begin and end within the bounds specified for the Class. In other words, a class that is defined by the temporal extent of its members.

Note, if either the begin or end bound are missing, it is taken to be indeterminate. For example, if the begin bound is 1st Jan 2018, the class has instances that all started after that date, and their end is irrelevant.

Example: Everything that began and ended in the year 1900 - this would include all activities that took place within that year (but did not extend beyond it), everything created and destroyed within that time, and everything that was born and died during the period.


The title of the respective document.


TOIDs (TOpographic IDentifiers) are unique and persistent identifiers created and managed by Ordnance Survey Great Britain to identify topographic objects in OS datasets.

Example: the TOID for the Tower of London is osgb1000006032892.


A PoliticalAgreement that sets tariffs and standards for trade between nations.


An EventParticipant where an Asset is participant in a TradeEvent

This could be a specific Asset (e.g. serial numbered item) being offered for sale (as opposed to a type of Asset) or an Asset being delivered, withdrawn from sale, etc.


The type of entity involved in the TradeEvent

e.g. “Dyson Animal Mk3”

Note: there may be no more than one itemType for a given TradeEvent - i.e. a new TradeEvent must be instantiated for each ClassOfEntity sold, offered, delivered, etc.

Note: was “ItemType” in IES 3.2


An Event where something is offered, bought or exchanged


A Ticket that is used to travel by rail


A TravelService by rail


A relationship from a MoneyTransfer to the AmountOfMoney transferred.


A Movement that is an individual transportation - e.g. an individual flight, sailing, etc.


The Purchase of planned travel arrangements.

  1. Travel Bookings may include bookings for Flights, Ferry Crossings, Train Journeys (i.e Travel Services), and also Hotels, Hire Cars etc. when these have been modelled. These will be included on the booking as relationships to the appropriate other entities.


A PaymentArtefact that permits travel on public transport


An EventParticipant in which a Entity travels. That travel may be part of a Journey.

The TravelLeg may be part of a Journey (i.e. the Journey has one of more legs).


A TradedAsset where the asset is a Reservation


A transportation service, often provided as a public service � e.g. a scheduled flight, rail journey, ferry crossing, etc.


The Identifier for the respective Travel Service � this is how humans would usually refer to the service

Note however that often this identifier does not, on its own, uniquely identify any given instance of a travel service � e.g. Flight BA0010 is reused on a daily basis to refer to the flight between London Heathrow and Los Angeles. As such, to uniquely identify any given instance of a Travel Service you would need to combine it with other attributes � typically departure date/time.

For Flights, this will be the Flight Number.

For Ferry Sailings this is typically the name of the vessel that is scheduled to make that sailing and, when combined with the departure date/time can be used to uniquely identify that sailing. Note that if the actual vessel that makes the sailing is different to that which was scheduled (e.g. as result of the scheduled vessel being out of commission), this identifier is not modified.


A Ticket that permits travel on a particular route or set of routes


An IdentityDocument, usually attached to a Passport, which allows a Person to remain in a Country for a set period of time.


An EndToEndAgreement that is between Nations and subject to international law


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities where one trusts the other.

Note: this should not be considered a bi-directional relationship. Just because one person trusts another person does not necessarily mean the feeling is reciprocated.


A GeoIdentity that is a United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations


A ClassOfMeasureValue that is used to quantify a Measure on a standard scale


An AccountAdminEvent where an Account is modified


A relationship a MeasureRange to the Measure that is its upper bound


URI scheme is the top level of the uniform resource identifier (URI) naming structure. All URIs and absolute URI references are formed with a scheme name, followed by a colon character (“:”), and the remainder of the URI called the scheme-specific part.


URI scheme is the top level of the uniform resource identifier (URI) naming structure. All URIs and absolute URI references are formed with a scheme name, followed by a colon character (“:”), and the remainder of the URI called the scheme-specific part.

A list of official IANA-registered URI schemes can be found at:


An Identifier for a WebResource


The Identity for an account registered with a computer-network-based service e.g. the internet.

An email address can be used as an online identifier for a specific domain (like Facebook). Where this is the case it can be considered to be both an instance of an email address and an instance of a username for an online identity.


A hasAccessTo relationship between a ResponsibleActor and an Asset they use.

Note: more often than not, this will be a statement of occasional use, so the instance of the ResponsibleActorState should also be an instance of DiscontinuousState. In rarer occasions, it may be used to highlight a single, continuous use, but generally this would be modelled with the appropriate type of Event and EventParticipants


A visits relationship between a ResponsibleActor and a Location where they use services - e.g. banking, shopping, etc..

Note: more often than not, this will be a statement of regular/occasional use, so the instance of the ResponsibleActorState should also be an instance of DiscontinuousState. In rarer occasions, it may be used to highlight a single, continuous visit, but in that case, inLocation would generally be used.


A temporal state of a Vehicle which is the fusion of all its Parked states



The Visa Application Form (VAF) number.


The date that the respective IdentityDocument or Ticket is valid from.


The date that the respective IdentityDocument or Ticket is valid to.


A StandardMeasureValue for ElectricCurrent in amperes


A StandardMeasureValue for LuminousIntensity in candela


A StandardMeasureValue for Temperature in kelvin


A StandardMeasureValue for Mass in kilograms


A StandardMeasureValue for Length in metres


A StandardMeasureValue for AmountOfSubstance in moles


A StandardMeasureValue for Duration in seconds


An Asset that is a means of transportation � e.g. car, aircraft, ship.


A PersonInTransit where the Person is in control of the Transit

e.g. driver of a car, pilot of plane, captain of a ship


VIN � Vehicle Identification Number.

For road vehicles this is often directly referred to as the VIN, but this can also be applied in a generic fashion to other vehicle types.

ISO 3833 for road vehicles (17-digits)


The Name of the respective Vehicle (if applicable) � often this only applies to ships/boats.


The Saucy Sue The Bountiful Blumpkin


A temporal state of a Vehicle


An EventParticipant in which a Vehicle is used to transport Entities


The venue of the event the Ticket is for.

Note: venues change, and the actual event may not run at the stated venue.


The number or code that identifies the version of something.


A relationship between a VersionOfDocument and the WorkOfDocumentation it is a version of.


A WorkOfDocumentation and a TimeBoundedClass that is a versionOf a WorkOfDocumentation


An EventParticipant where a ResponsibleActor is the victim of a CriminalActivity


A TeleConference where parties communicate over video (with audio)


A temporal state of a ResponsibleActor

Note: this is the superclass of ResponsibleActor (the whole life person or organisation) because the whole-life state is just a special case of a ResponsibleActorState. This pattern is true for all states.


A Relationship and in inLocation between a ResponsibleActor and a Location they visit.

Note: more often than not, this will be a statement of occasional visiting, so the instance of the ResponsibleActorState should also be an instance of DiscontinuousState. In rarer occasions, it may be used to highlight a single, continuous visit, but in that case, inLocation would generally be used.


An InteractiveCommunication by voice


A TelephoneAccount where the voice communication is over IP. This may also include video communication, screen sharing, etc.


When a Government has voting rights at a Summit


A Disagreement where at least one party has declared war


An AuthorisationDocument that provides legal permission, usually for something that would be considered illegal or intrusive otherwise


An EndToEndAuthorisation where the process involves legal warrants.


A relationship to the Organisation that was the authorising agency for the IdentityDocument


Relates an MilitaryAttack to the location of the attacking weapon system


An OnlineArtefact that is a page on the web.


Any http presence on the web


A temporal state of an WebResource


A GeoIdentity that is a what3words Location specifier



The Person who won the Election


A TradeEvent where a type of entity is withdrawn from sale


A Person’s role as a witness in a trial


A Representation that is the general case of a document - i.e. “War and Peace” as opposed to “My copy of War and Peace”


A visits relationship between a ResponsibleActor and a Location they work in.

Note: more often than not, this will be a statement of occasional presence, so the instance of the ResponsibleActorState should also be an instance of DiscontinuousState. In rarer occasions, it may be used to highlight a single, continuous presence, but in that case, inLocation would generally be used.


A Relationship between a ResponsibleActor (range - employer) and a ResponsibleActorState (domain- employed) that indicates one works for the other.

In the case where the work is occasional / ad-hoc (i.e. there isn’t an ongoing work contract) then the instance of the ResponsibleActorState should also be an instance of DiscontinuousState


A Relationship between two ResponsibleActor Entities that indicates one works with the other.

In the case where the work is occasional / ad-hoc (i.e. there isn’t an ongoing job) then the instance of the ResponsibleActorState should also be an instance of DiscontinuousState

Note: this relationship should only be used when it is not known who the two people work for (in which case create an organisation and used employedBy) or when the working relationship is rather loose - e.g. in cases of criminal cooperation.


A visits relationship between a ResponsibleActor and a Location where they undertake religious worship

Note: more often than not, this will be a statement of regular/occasional worship, so the instance of the ResponsibleActorState should also be an instance of DiscontinuousState. In rarer occasions, it may be used to highlight a single, continuous visit, but in that case, inLocation would generally be used.


An instance of Element which is the sum of all possible worlds including everything in those worlds. Put another way, this is everything in our world and everything in all possible worlds.






